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KCRW 23 Approach


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Hello, @HomeReader Thanks for your purchase! I've never seen this issue. Are you using any other mesh add ons, orthos from other providers, or any sceneries for this area? It's weird since X Plane doesn't even generate such a power mast in this area by default. Please, check if you have another add on already installed for this airport.


Kind regards

Chris, Xometry Design 

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Thanks for your reaction, my english is bad. I use the link in optional  mesh folder link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1W5m4RQXnAHJDE9yJwLuXrqlWRR3IfkYl/view?usp=sharing

and installed this. Without this part I had the same problem with the hangars and hovering cars. The airfield is fine now but this power pole(?) is stupid. I also use simHeaven X America. Thats all

Dieter Swada 

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