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Runway Lights 09R incorrect & LODs

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Hello ini,

thanks for updating Heathrow, one can see a nice step up from your previous iteration!
One thing that doesn't feel so "Premium" is the very aggressive LOD-ing you do. The LOD transitions are far more visible than on competing large airports, for example when compared to Aerosoft Frankfurt. Same size airport, far smoother LOD transitions with more detail visible earlier on the German counterpart. 
Perhaps this is something that can be optimised a bit in the near future? Having said that, it's not terrible, with one exception: Your static GSE seem to have only 2 LODs? One is a brick without textures and the other is full detail? The problem is, that texture-less brick is still visible when one has already turned into a stand. Only then the LOD transitions to full detail:


I don't mind so much that you have reduced the amount of GSE. But this extremely late transition from brick to normal model is quite the killer for immersion. One can see white bricks everywhere when taxiing around the airport. Can you not at least make the texture appear a bit earlier so that it's already visible when positioned on the taxiway abeam the gate?

Also, please fix the runway lights for 09R. You have positioned the touchdown zone lights and the green threshold lights at the wrong position (needs to start at the displaced threshold). 
It is however correct on 09L. A fix would be greatly appreciated!


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Hope that Inibuilds will release an update for LODs optimization.

Any tips to help for now how to minimize the fact that they are polygons loaded without texture depending on distance.

Thank you

7 hours ago, Dravman91 said:

Any tips to help for now how to minimize the fact that they are polygons loaded without texture depending on distance.

Well there's nothing you can do really. In theory you could disable the GSE in the ini configurator and then use MSFS' Scenery Editor to place GSE with better LOD properties from other sceneries you have installed. But that would be an enormous task for such a large airport. 

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