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A20N v2 feedback (Xbox series X)


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Enjoying this aircraft. It followed ILS and RNAV approaches perfectly. Hold function works great as well and the ground steering feels really good. Have noticed a few things though …


  • Can’t input VORs manually in MCDU
  • MCDU inputs wrong cg (gwcg instead of zfwcg) when taking from EFB
  • Landing lights could be brighter
  • Cockpit wind noise really overpowering 
  • Aircraft feels very heavy to rotate at vr, especially in flex. A300 you give a slight bit of back pressure and up it goes whereas this needs a very aggressive and prolonged input to get it in the air
  • Floats better than a boat on landing
  • Not always getting correct ILS in MCDU after selecting ILS arrival. Tenerife south (GCTS) runway frequencies are the wrong way around and Leipzig 26L (EDDP) is just random. Getting code from charts and putting that into rad nav page works to fix it in both instances
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52 minutes ago, Azlog said:

Enjoying this aircraft. It followed ILS and RNAV approaches perfectly. Hold function works great as well and the ground steering feels really good. Have noticed a few things though …


  • Can’t input VORs manually in MCDU
  • MCDU inputs wrong cg (gwcg instead of zfwcg) when taking from EFB
  • Landing lights could be brighter
  • Cockpit wind noise really overpowering 
  • Aircraft feels very heavy to rotate at vr, especially in flex. A300 you give a slight bit of back pressure and up it goes whereas this needs a very aggressive and prolonged input to get it in the air
  • Floats better than a boat on landing
  • Not always getting correct ILS in MCDU after selecting ILS arrival. Tenerife south (GCTS) runway frequencies are the wrong way around and Leipzig 26L (EDDP) is just random. Getting code from charts and putting that into rad nav page works to fix it in both instances

Speedbrakes without drag in any phases of flight, too.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
On 4/19/2024 at 2:04 PM, richboy2307 said:

Thanks, logged. Most of these should be addressed in a future version already. 

Did a flight last night in latest update:

Landing lights much better - can actually see the runway now

Manual entry of VORs working

Noise in cockpit much better

MCDU now inputs a really random CoG if you don’t enter in manually

Takeoff roll feels better I think (either that or I’m getting used to it) but I have 1 comment for landing. In the real Airbus, the aircraft starts trimming down at 50ft to encourage the pilot to initiate the flare at 30ft but the sim version doesn’t do this. This means that 30ft is too high to start flaring and it’s possibly what’s making a lot of people float so badly. Would it be possible to add this feature?

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Couple more things:

Didn’t follow DME arc and just went straight ahead (EGPE ILS RW5 approach). Will try some other ones

Position Bearing Distance entries not working

Speed brakes still not doing much in flight. Was on a real one a few weeks ago and when they deployed the speed brakes in flight you felt yourself shift forward in your seat as soon as they went up but a down arrow on the speed tape barely appears and takes a while to do so

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Posted (edited)

Also wondering about taxiing. When sitting at idle with both engines running, the aircraft will easily get up past 30kts and so you are having to constantly use the brakes. Is this right? I know it should move on idle but this seems a bit excessive 

Edited by Azlog
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Rudder trim doesn’t appear to work either. The switch moves in the cockpit but the shortcut keys I set for it don’t do anything and the digital display beside the switch doesn’t change value from 00

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On 5/3/2024 at 9:40 PM, Azlog said:

Speed brakes still not doing much in flight. Was on a real one a few weeks ago and when they deployed the speed brakes in flight you felt yourself shift forward in your seat as soon as they went up but a down arrow on the speed tape barely appears and takes a while to do so

Saying this though it maybe does feel better. But on approach you need to be very organised and not follow the close deceleration procedure (intercept glide slope at flaps 1 and S speed) as it just won’t slow down enough to get configured for landing. Is it maybe more that the gear and/or flaps aren’t producing as much drag as they should?

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Hello! That a some bugs what i find. 

Standard ramp not working, only gateway.

After landing always hot brakes.

Packs sound always working. 

Some airports doesn't have a sid and star (for example umms, edds).

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 5/8/2024 at 3:17 PM, Azlog said:

Rudder trim doesn’t appear to work either. The switch moves in the cockpit but the shortcut keys I set for it don’t do anything and the digital display beside the switch doesn’t change value from 00

For the rudder trim to work there needs to be hydraulic power available (either yellow ELEC PUMP ON or engines running). I checked by clicking on the switches and in the latest version these seem to be working. However I do see what that using the RUDDER TRIM LEFT/RIGHT commands only changes the value, but does not animate the switch. Will pass that on to the team, Thanks!

On 5/4/2024 at 4:40 AM, Azlog said:

Speed brakes still not doing much in flight. Was on a real one a few weeks ago and when they deployed the speed brakes in flight you felt yourself shift forward in your seat as soon as they went up but a down arrow on the speed tape barely appears and takes a while to do so

Speed brakes have been adjusted as of the 1.0.17 update that is currently live, please check if this is still the case. From the test / data we have, the implemented drag profile is very close and remember if you need full speed brakes on the A320neo you can always disable AP and it will double the amount as with the AP on you only get 1/2 speed brakes.


On 5/3/2024 at 2:43 PM, Azlog said:

In the real Airbus, the aircraft starts trimming down at 50ft to encourage the pilot to initiate the flare at 30ft but the sim version doesn’t do this. This means that 30ft is too high to start flaring and it’s possibly what’s making a lot of people float so badly. Would it be possible to add this feature?

The flare should be really quite small at 30ft closing the thrust at the same time. The currently simulated flight model is based on real-world references and feedback so it's landing as expected and as shown in the videos:
https://youtu.be/Z8TpeMqhEyY?t=1412 discussion on the landing behaviour and landing itself https://youtu.be/Z8TpeMqhEyY?t=1412


On 5/4/2024 at 4:33 PM, Azlog said:

so you are having to constantly use the brakes. Is this right?

This is really dependent on a multitude of factors, most importantly the weight of your aircraft. The LEAPs produce a fair amount of idle thrust and at lighter weights it will accelerate fairly easily per feedback/data we have available currently.

On 5/9/2024 at 3:04 AM, grabelnikov said:

After landing always hot brakes.

This is normal, as you need to use the brake fans to help cool your brakes. This was all taken from real timings / data on the 320. Carbon brakes on the 320 are expected to only start to show a large temp rise about 5/6 mins after landing and you will expect them to reach peak temps when you are on stand with engines off even. We have accurately simulated this. If you have no REV which might be the case at the moment more energy will go into the brakes as well. Temps are based on how many applications you do and how much energy was lost during the slow down so even a longer landing with many applications can get the brakes hot.


On 5/9/2024 at 3:04 AM, grabelnikov said:

Packs sound always working. 

The PACKS sound is separate, and what you're hearing in the cockpit is the avionics and equipment fans, which can be fairly loud. You can verify this by loading up the ON APU state via the EFB, then enable the APU BLEED and PACKS. You will hear a sound difference. Specifically for PACK2 in the cabin (if you have the enhance edition from marketplace).


On 5/9/2024 at 3:04 AM, grabelnikov said:

Some airports doesn't have a sid and star (for example umms, edds).

This is more often than not a function of the navdata and scenery used than the plane itself. I checked on my end and can see the SID/STARS/APPROACHES for both airfields. Can you please confirm if you are using Navigraph navdata, and any scenery for the airports where you notice missing procedures? Thanks!



Vrishabh Sehgal @Richboy2307 )
Community Team Member & Tester
IniBuilds Ltd. | inibuilds.com

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@richboy2307thanks for the feedback


figured out how to do PBD waypoints by using the data page but when I tried to insert one the cockpit froze up


Also figured out how to do fix radius and lines which is cool but they only served to show that something weird is going on the DME arcs generally. Is this a sim issue rather than the aircraft? See attached screenshots. I drew a 12 mile circle and the flight plan definitely doesn’t follow it. Still feel like the v2 should be able to follow DME arcs as the A300 and A310 do it flawlessly but the v2 just flew straight through D14 kept going straight till I took over manually





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noticed flying out of London Luton runway 25 on the MATC3Y departure that it just wouldn’t follow it. Flew through the first waypoint but it didn’t move onto the next one and proceeded to try to turn back to it until I used direct to in order to get rid of it. Tried twice and failed both times

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Also for some reason when I download my payload from simbrief it gives me less than half the passengers that were listed. Recent flight I had 125 passengers but payload download only gave me 57. Using inibuilds template on simbrief

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When taxiing to the runway I usually like to use the AI Copilot to get me to the edge of the runway so I can focus on setting the cockpit up for takeoff, and it’s more realistic to a shared cockpit etc. this works fine with most aircraft in the sim, but I’ve noticed when I try to do this with the A320 v2 the AI Copilot is unable to steer the aircraft or adjust the throttle to much capacity and it just goes straight ahead into grass or buildings it seems unable to steer/turn the aircraft, I’m not sure if this is a silly thing to be posting about but it’s just something I’ve noticed.

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On 5/29/2024 at 10:27 PM, Azlog said:

figured out how to do PBD waypoints by using the data page but when I tried to insert one the cockpit froze up

What was the PBD in which you noticed the issue? Also are you able to reproduce this problem successfully? 

On 5/29/2024 at 10:27 PM, Azlog said:

only served to show that something weird is going on the DME arcs generally.

Yes this is an acknowledged shortcoming of the currently implemented LNAV logic, and we're working to improve this on a future version. For now it is recommended to fly DME ARC segments manually where necessary.

On 5/29/2024 at 12:53 AM, grabelnikov said:

And what about default ramp stairs?


On 5/30/2024 at 4:46 PM, Azlog said:

noticed flying out of London Luton runway 25 on the MATC3Y departure that it just wouldn’t follow it.

Thanks, will investigate.


On 5/30/2024 at 6:10 PM, Azlog said:

Also for some reason when I download my payload from simbrief it gives me less than half the passengers that were listed. Recent flight I had 125 passengers but payload download only gave me 57.

Can you verify you are using the same units (Metric/KG vs Imperial/LBS) on both the EFB settings and Simbrief Dispatch?


On 5/31/2024 at 11:59 PM, JayJay3692 said:

the AI Copilot is unable to steer the aircraft or adjust the throttle to much

Just a reminder to avoid posting the same comment in multiple places  I've answered this on your dedicated post:




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Vrishabh Sehgal @Richboy2307 )
Community Team Member & Tester
IniBuilds Ltd. | inibuilds.com

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On 6/3/2024 at 6:39 PM, grabelnikov said:

Default ground services working all (luggage,catering, gpu, fuel), but air stairs not spawning and don't working. Calling from atc and aerosoft pushback tool.

Ah, sorry I misunderstood your request. But that should be an easy fix. Bug logged, thanks!

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Vrishabh Sehgal @Richboy2307 )
Community Team Member & Tester
IniBuilds Ltd. | inibuilds.com

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On Xbox Series X for me the landing lights work, ie. I see the beams and they light up the ground, but the bulbs themselves are still dark.

Also the BRT DIM buttons for the MCDUs are very hard to manipulate. I have to drag them with mouse left or right to work and then it is hard to fine tune, always ending up too bright or too dim. Anyway to set these with a percentage dialog like the EFB?

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Posted (edited)

It was enroute to Channia. VOR Y rwy 29. The DME 05 waypoint was in the wrong place so I thought I’d try to move it to the right position. I entered created a PBD waypoint and added it into my flight plan in the hope of replacing the DME05 waypoint that was in the wrong place. This worked but I then tried to delete the out of place waypoint in the same edit session as entering the new waypoint and it froze

For the Luton departure, I did it again paying close attention and noticed that the first waypoint (an altitude constraint) is very close to the first chart waypoint GWS01. It passes the altitude waypoint but then gets stuck on the GWS01 waypoint as though it needs to be more than a mile away from a waypoint in order to then move to the next one once it gets within a mile of it

I will check my units and see if something is up there. Fuel and cargo transfer perfectly every time but passengers don’t 

Edited by Azlog
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12 minutes ago, Azlog said:

For the Luton departure, I did it again paying close attention and noticed that the first waypoint (an altitude constraint) is very close to the first chart waypoint GWS01. It passes the altitude waypoint but then gets stuck on the GWS01 waypoint as though it needs to be more than a mile away from a waypoint in order to then move to the next one once it gets within a mile of it

Looking at it I see there is also a MAT3B departure that doesn’t have that initial 1 mile waypoint. I’ll need to see if that is listed in the MCDU and give it a go to see how it compares 

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I changed my units in simbrief to kg and passenger number now loads in correctly. Strange and fuel and cargo were unaffected but passenger reduced as though the number in simbrief was measured in lb and in the aircraft converted the number of passengers to kg

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Further to the Luton departure issue, MATC3B works but MATC3Y doesn’t. MATC3Y has a waypoint right next to the altitude constraint waypoint and so when you get to the altitude one, you are already within a mile of the first RNAV waypoint which means it can’t then move on itself

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On 6/5/2024 at 9:40 PM, Azlog said:

It was enroute to Channia. VOR Y rwy 29. The DME 05 waypoint was in the wrong place so I thought I’d try to move it to the right position. I entered created a PBD waypoint and added it into my flight plan in the hope of replacing the DME05 waypoint that was in the wrong place. This worked but I then tried to delete the out of place waypoint in the same edit session as entering the new waypoint and it froze

For testing purposes, can you also mention the data you entered for your custom PBD waypoint? As currently i'm not able to reproduce a  WASM crash (MCDU module freezing) after adding a PBD, and then deleting the "wrong" waypoint which was part of the VOR Y 29 procedure.


Thanks for the other detailed write-ups @Azlog.
Logged for further investigation, thanks!

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Vrishabh Sehgal @Richboy2307 )
Community Team Member & Tester
IniBuilds Ltd. | inibuilds.com

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