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Updated eggl issues with ini manager


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Hi just updated  eggl,   removed  the  old file  from  community folder,  its  showing  in msfs   contents,   went  to sim  no issues   but  when i open up  the  ini  manager  i got  no option  to uninstall.  all  i  got  is  install option  and  on top right  its  saying  its  not  installed,  but  it  is  according  to msfs content  manager

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1 hour ago, AndyM said:

Same issue here

ok  what solved  it  for  me  was  to  remove  the  egll  folder  from  the  community  folder,  uninstalled  the  ini  manager  using the  add/ remove  option  and  downloaded  the  latest version,  than  installed egll   and  everything  is  back to normal

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