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Latest Beta Sounds


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First the good news: sounds in the latest beta are a lot better now!

Two things I'd like to be changed:

1.) wind sound on flightdeck is still too low. Take the wind sound from the cabin near the engine inlets as an example of how it should be. So, just change the VC wind sound to the one in the cabin....perfect!

2.) engine sound fade out: the fading out of the engine sounds should make them more silent on higher altitudes (20.000ft and above). At higher altitudes you can only here a gentle rumble from the engines (vibration running through the fuselage). Fenix did a great job on that with their latest build as an example.

Best regards, Wolfgang

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I love this plane but uninstalled it from my library because of the sound. After SU13, I reinstalled it just to have a look at the modifications of the sound and still very bad to me. It doesn't sound like the real plane, I can't hear the turbo fans at full power. It's clear Inibuilds didn't record the sound on a real plane. So I uninstalled it again until they have something real.

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