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Consistently Keep Coming in Too High On Approaches


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Hello everyone, I'm still new on learning about the a310. I'm not sure of the reason but after capturing the TOD I keep coming in way to high on my approaches. My Flight is from KPHL to KCLT at a FL of 34k feet. Landing on rwy 36R.  These are my steps Prior to TOD. I set the Alt knob to the capture fix altitude of the arrival runway which in my case is 2500', I then pull the Alt knob to trigger the descent. My Profile button is on as well as the Nav and ATHR. The aircraft does descent immediately when the TOD is triggered. However I feel that it just doesn't descend fast enough  to meet the flight level constraints during the approach sequences. I'm not sure what I'm doing incorrectly. I've watched many Youtube videos that show pretty much what I just described with successful results. I'm spoiled being so use to the a320 more accurate descent procedures. However I really like this old school aircraft. Any helpful suggestion would be greatly appreciated 

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Heya 🙂

My personal tip would be to keep an eye on the pink diamond and if you're too far above the profile pull the speedbrakes. Especially with the speedrestriction at 10000ft the A310 can sometimes be slow to slow down; speedbrakes always help there. You can also check your current altitude vs the profile on the PROG page.

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Hi, first thank you so much for your input its really appreciated, I was starting to get frustrated with this aircraft, and I really like it for sure. Are you referring to the vertical Deviation meter that appears to the right of the ND?  I did see some videos on this explaining that if the pink diamond is below you to use the speed brakes ever so slowly as its very sensitive, but then I saw another video where its explain that usually the a310 can handle the deviation without any input, however I didn't experience that. Now when the pink diamond was below the center mark I did use the speed brakes and it did try to re-center the diamond to keep it in the profile. What can be done if the diamond goes up to the top of the meter? How can you bring it back to center? I also notice that sometimes the pink diamond reacts erratically and sometimes jumps either to the bottom and shows a great negative number on the Prog. page of the FMS. 

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