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  1. yes performance is really bad compared to pmdg.
  2. still this issue exist. Come on
  3. i tried it once now and no problems. Tomorrow i will try again. Maybe others can also try?
  4. Update. I have the thrustmaster throttle. This time i deleted everything with starters, feul etc. Only flaps, spoilers, parkingbrake and throttle is assigned. This time i completed the flight without problems.
  5. just got new version did small flight from omaa to omdb on star engines stutdown and went free dive to earth.
  6. i have latest update still ctd randomly when loading
  7. funkyj4ever


    I also got the ctd again. After 1.02 i thought it was fixed. It worked couple times but then i started a flight with a300 and went to main menu. Then i loaded it again to different airport. It ctd again. After this is cant start any flight with a300.
  8. HI, Maybe i am wrong but when i fly the plane it feels so stable in any weather? Just try the storm preset and it barly moves. I dont see almost any speed tape movement and not really see the aircraft wiggle around. Any other people that also see this?
  9. HI, When using the inibuilds gsx profile in p3d 5.1 it shows a default building on the satellite terminal. Without using the afcad the default building is gone. and the scenery looks oke again but no sode jetways.
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