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  1. That seems to have solved the issue. Thanks!
  2. I purchased EGGW a few hours ago, and after using the ini manager to install the airport, the sim crashed three times on the initial load. I uninstalled it via the manager, and the sim loaded as usual. I made sure to install the correct version for MSFS 2020.
  3. On a flight into Heathrow today I was shocked to see that the scenery was completely absent from the simulator. It seemed like the default scenery loaded instead of the INI scenery. I ensured that I removed the Asobo EGLL from the content manager. I also tried moving EGLL higher up on the scenery load order list but no luck. I have also tried clearing EGLL from the scenery cache. The strange thing is that the airport is in my community folder and installed in the content manager. I'm not sure if it's related but Heathrow also does not seem to load in the airport selection screen. Screenshots are included below.
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