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Everything posted by coxman69

  1. Nope, the error happened only once, the problem that I have encountered more was the AP disconnecting, but since last update it looks like its fixed
  2. Same here. From volanta graphs I doesnt look like my plane encountered severe turbulence or anything that would make AP disconnect, everytime I experienced this I was in the -1000 over Atlantic
  3. Same here, wanted to do DOH-MIA for 2 straight days, one time AP disconnected 5 hours into the flight, and now after 13 hours it did it again, both flights on the -1000, never had the problem on the -900, I must say on every -900 flight I was near the sim for the whole flights, on the other hand on the -1000 flights in the first case I found it spinning in the morning and now I checked my flight on Volanta and it keeps spinning over the East Coast. No assists turned on, using Thrustmaster airbus stick with a pretty big dead zone, so I wouldnt consider there was any input that would make the AP disconnect
  4. It happens to the 350 as well, no extra binds or anything ini said, simply decides mid flight to go crazy
  5. Hi, After a few hours into my flights after the patch, I keep getting this error: NAV F/O PFD ON BKUP AP 2: DO NOT USE On the first ocassion after I spotted this error, I left the plane fly alone and went afk and when I came back the AP was disconnected and the plane kept spinning in the air. Now I am on another flight but so far nothing happened 2 and a half hours after the error popped up. Is it something that I am doing wrong or did you face this problem as well?
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