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  1. Can confirm I have the same issue.
  2. Same here. Managed to do 2.5 flights until yesterday, then had a WASM crash on descent. Cleared my WASM folder, tried loading it today and it's just taking forever on the loading screen.
  3. Same issue for me, I resorted to adding P10 to the Simbrief profile. Have now grounded this aircraft anyway due to the WASM crashes.
  4. Same issue here. Managed to complete 2 flights to date but yesterday I was flying KIAD-EGLL and just as I was crossing the Welsh coast all my displays froze and had to give up. I didn’t even interact with the aircraft, all I did was check the destination METAR in the native MSFS EFB. I use MSFS 2024 with the latest SU1 Beta and Navigraph. Super frustrating, I’ll ground this aircraft until this is fixed but definitely expected more considering how much you charge for it.
  5. Never had this happen with the Fenix or the PMDG and BATC have stated on their Discord that it’s due to the way the A350 works. The FBW A380 had the same issue initially until FBW fixed it. So yes, it’s definitely directly related to this aircraft.
  6. Agreed, I have a tiller and the NWS has no inertia and is instant. Makes it hard to taxi.
  7. Agreed, this needs an urgent fix. BATC is a very common add on and it should really work with it.
  8. Mine also has weird behaviour after rotation. The moment I reach climb pitch and release the stick it pitches up aggressively (or sometimes down). Definitely something wrong.
  9. Same here - 60-100 FPS with native FG and the displays look like they’re running 10FPS. It’s awful.
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