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Everything posted by BazAir

  1. I'm getting CTD's on every occasion in FS2024 as soon as I click 'Start Flight' The twirl of death starts then freezes and CRASH. Gave up in the end. Not happy.
  2. I have found the issue. It's the inibuild installed liveries that the sim isn't liking. I tried it with numerous livieries and no go or CTDs but when I just left the aircraft with the default inibuild livery it worked with no issues. I finally am in the cockpit and it looks great. Something needs to be looked at re liveries. I was hoping to do a flight from YBBN to WSSS on the A350-900 (one I have done manytimes in the real world) but it looks like that won't be happening for now.
  3. I seem to be having a major issue with entering this new beautiful aircraft. The problem is it won't load. I get as far as clicking start flight and I get the below. Went to bed and woke up this morning (7 hours later) and it was still spinning. Something drastically wrong. I got out of it, restarted my computer and restarted MSFS2024, with no difference, other than having to deal with 2 x CTDs, freezing and after a 4th restart of MSFS2024, still twirling. I even tried the option to reduce the resolution textures....NO DIFFERENCE. Looks like MSFS2024 has caused your launch of this great aircraft to be tainted. My Specs are: RTX4090 So this shouldn't be doing this. So dissappointed.
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