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  1. Yep, nice and easy, like contrails system, just received my transfer this morning, and buying the new version as we speak, cheers Richboy
  2. actually i just googled "inibuilds transfer" and it comes up with the transfer tool (contrail has a similar service, ive used before) and under the "where did you purchase" there is in fact Simmarket & msfs ingame marketplace. anyway heres the link, then i assume you use the code like everyone else: https://forms.inibuilds.com/order-transfer
  3. To further this, i bought it on the ingame marketplace, is the discount available to purchases from there, or can i transfer that purchase to my inibuilds account, and get the discount? Will i have to wait until marketplace 2024 is up and running??
  4. Currently the only way ive found to attach the jetway, is default comms, which is kinda annoying, especially if your using a 3rd party atc. Other Inibuilds planes have it, so not sure if it was just forgotten or if i missed it somewhere else, but on the Ground tab makes most sense. Also adding loading over time seems more immersive imo, like your other planes with instant/5min/realistic. Not sure if possible but making the ground crew fire over the loading period (when on realistic) would be kinda cool, starting with fuel, then baggage, then finally boarding sounds, with a audio callout from the flight assistant when boarding completes, all automatically. just a thought, can live without the 2nd one, but the jetway toggle is pretty important imo
  5. hmm, i guess in fairness you should have the apu on to start (as would of been the case if we were using our checklist lol), and the beacon is to signify starting, although i doubt in the real world the gpu would just cut out so abruptly
  6. yeh i got that too (msfs2024), although i got it when the plane was launching normally, unlike the issue in my original post
  7. Just tried again with the inibuild livery, and plane worked, then loaded in with the white (the liv i had when i had the issue) and that was ok too. so maybe a mystery bug
  8. Nah, just flew the 1000 instead, hopefully they patch it relatively soon
  9. Just launched in at my local airport (YPAD) and initially noticed the gear was clipping the ground, and maingear was tilted as if flying (not sure if related) but upon entering the flight deck i enabled the external power, got nothing, and then turned on the battery switches, but got no power whatsoever. Tried clicking around where the gpu connects to the plane, externally, to see if it was something in there with no luck. Couldnt see any tablet in the cockpit either to set the state. also of note is that the RAT generator was deployed upon walk around. Im on the SU1 beta. Sorry if this is obvious, i havent had time to watch the intro videos. anyone else have this issue?
  10. Any plans to fix this?
  11. I often dont have a lot of time on my PC and so i fly in the cruise using the Simrate function, but ive noticed everything above 2x seems to break the autopilot. It doesnt take much of a turn in the flight path to break it either, probably 10degrees, once you approach the waypoint, the plane seems to overshoot, then gets stuck in induced error corrections, basically weaving back and forth trying to catch the flight path, but it doesn't correct until you've already gone past the flight path, then does the same the other way. The only way to stop it slow to 1x or 2x, then it can catch it again. Extremely annoying on long haul flights. There is also another weird bug at 8x speed, where the plane will just start porpoising the altitude (overshooting the altitude, then over-correcting, diving up and down), this does make 8x pretty unusable at the moment. Like the LNAV issue above, if you drop the simrate to 4x, it levels out again. Finally, both the Chrono timer, and more importantly, the fuel burn doesn't adjust for the sim rate, so, for example the last A330 flight i done, was 6 hours blocktime, calculated with simbrief and landed with nearly 30T of fuel still, putting me well over max landing weight. These issues arent limited to the A330 either, ive had them on all Inibuilds default planes ive flown (A330-3, A330-2, A321LR, A320N). With the upcoming A350, more people will be using this function i assume, so worth fixing imo.
  12. No worries. Found a similar thing on the 330-RR, while it had the correct contrails, there was a constant heatblur coming from the tail/apu in the cruise (apu was off) but no heatblur from the engines. May want to look into this also.
  13. Turns out the A330-300 is doing the same
  14. I found increasing camera height in the settings from 50 to 80 was a bit better
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