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Everything posted by DroneSim

  1. I tried a couple of things. To actually get the ATIS/METAR try out the following Make sure your IRS is aligned (Precondition 1 for a successful connection) Make sure to have a Flight Number, DEP Airport, and ARR Airport (INIT PAGE) (Precondition 2 for a successful connection) Make sure you have entered the correct Hoppie ACARS Code in the OIT (Precondition 3 for a successful connection) On the ATC COM -> CONNECT Page, select the Airport which you want an ATIS/METAR from Click on NOTIFY -> you should get a green message "Notified to <AIRPORT> at hhmmZ" indicating a successful connection Now to the D-ATIS page, select DEP, ARR, or NONE and SEND REQUEST This should give you what you want.
  2. You can just load the A350 without a cabin in MSFS 2024. No need to deactivate anything. Just select the No Cabin Model from your aircraft selection
  3. DroneSim


    There is a button VIEW OFFSET, left to the OIT. This need to be OFF (not illuminating). Then the options will show up
  4. What do you mean with NI AI is on?
  5. The cursor disappearing is intended. You need to enter the data with the keyboard of the KCCU or click the right control button and type with your real keyboard
  6. DroneSim

    Sim freezes

    Are you on SU1 Beta?
  7. What I observed is that you will get the METAR if there is no ATIS available
  8. I noticed this issue with a lot of other aircraft. I’m not sure if it’s directly related to the A350.
  9. Did you check if the correct ILS frequency/identifier is set in the RAD NAV page?
  10. You need to confirm entries explicitly with the ENTER button 🙂
  11. Your EFB boot time might be set to “realistic”. If so, it takes about 5 minutes to boot
  12. Is your Flight Director on? 🙂
  13. DroneSim

    choosing star

    I wouldn't say stupid. The thing is, on the FBW A380, which has similar systems, the scroll bar works with click & hold. So it is not obvious when switching to the A350 🙂
  14. DroneSim

    choosing star

    You need to use the arrow UP/DOWN buttons on the KCCU or the scroll wheel 🙂
  15. https://flightsim.to/file/89379/4k-air-india-inibuilds-a350-900-vt-jra
  16. TBH, I noticed a similar behaviour in the iniBuilds A330s. I'm not sure, but I think it's rather related to the FS24 rather than the aircraft itself. Wait, did I say iniBuilds A330, damn 🤣
  17. Got something for you https://flightsim.to/file/89158/inibuilds-airbus-a350-cockpit-seatback-logos At least it removes the branding from the cockpit seats 🙂
  18. DroneSim

    Cabin Sound

    Confirming this. If you move around in the cabin the sound gets IMO too quiet in the back. You can barely hear the engines.
  19. I actually think that this button is not available in the A350, but I could be wrong. I couldn't find anything related to that in the above mentioned PDF
  20. Exactly, but unfortunately this doesn’t work. Even if you set it to NO, it still disconnects the GPU.
  21. If you request the weather and the airport is online, you’ll get an ATIS. If the airport is offline, you’ll get a default METAR
  22. Steam %APPDATA%\Microsoft Flight Simulator\Packages\inibuilds-aircraft-a350 Store %LOCALAPPDATA%\Packages\Microsoft.FlightSimulator_8wekyb3d8bbwe\LocalState\Packages\inibuilds-aircraft-a350 A folder called “flightplans” should be inside.
  23. Did you update the nav data in the OIS?
  24. Can you please share your solution? 🙂
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