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Everything posted by MediocreGorilla

  1. Hello everyone, as already mentioned on the Discord (aswell as for the A330 before), the strobe lights and beacon are not synced up in their sequence. Rather than having a fixed timing between the flashes, the spacing between strobes and beacon depends on when you switch on the respective lights. This is not how it's working on Airbus aircraft. Here you can see the correct timings that won't change regardless of when you switch on the lights. I hope you can take a look, this is really immersion breaking on any night flight! Thanks and kind regards.
  2. Hi everyone, I'd like to pass on two minor inconsistencies on the cargo doors. On both doors, there's a decal layer that misses animations, resulting in floating decals when the doors are opened. Aditionally, as marked on the screen shot, the cylinder on the FWD cargo door is clipping into the hinge when opened. Kind regards!
  3. Thanks for the quick fix! On the -900 however, you may take another look, the decal layer is still missing it's animation. Cheers!
  4. And pretty much all of these black rings around the piping look really sloppy - hovering, clipping all over the place. Could be an LOD issue and needs some kind of refinement. It doesn't do the amazing compartment any justice. 🙂
  5. Hi everyone, diving deeper into this amazing bird, I've noticed two areas inside the avionics bay that could need a little refinement. At the nose cone area, there's some gaps in the mesh, revealing the outside. (Second post incoming, i am only allowed to upload 657 kB in images right now)
  6. Small update on this one: It appears to only be present on the left gear of the -900. The right one aswell as the entire -1000 are fine.
  7. Yes, the cabin causes an abysmal decrease in performance, even on top tier systems. I'm on a 7950X3D and a 5090 and even without caring about VRAM (aircraft with cabin hits about 26GB at Aerosoft EDDF if anyone is curious), the amount of polys is just too high for any modern CPU to not get limited. With the performance mode on and texture resolution on high, I'm only getting about 45FPS on my system, which isn't even smooth with Multiframe Generation because of all the texture reloading going on when panning around. I hope that ini can do some optimization on that. As incredible this cabin looks, I doubt anyone with an interest in a smooth sim experience will ever realistically use the cabin version.
  8. Hi everyone, the access door for the forward avionics bay has some substantial issues with animations and geometry. The inside handle entirely misses animations The door is missing a hinge and has no backfaces The inside hatch is not opening, resulting in the outside door just clipping through. What's the point of opening the door if there is no access? The entire cutout is missing edge polys, resulting in gaps all around the opening Kind regards
  9. Hello everyone, I fear iniBuilds gear animations slowly become my new nemesis, as I just had intense A300-flashbacks on this one. The gear clips heavily into the fuselage with both the wheels and the bogie linkages. This time though, this is clearly a result of the bogie struts being way too retracted. Would the wheels actualy sit where they belong inside the bay, this clipping would most probably not even occur. Just don't let the struts retract that much and we should be fine. Thanks and kind regards!
  10. Hi everyone, first of all thank you for this mental masterpiece of an airplane. The amount of detail that went into this is out of this world! One small niggle that caught my eye during walkaround was the rubber seals on the ailerons. Whenever they reach strong deflection to either side, the rubber tends to clip and create artifacts. Maybe you can do some polishing on that area? Thank you!
  11. Hi everyone, when airborne, the wingflex animation appears to cause most of the flap track fairings to start clipping into the flaps. Can you take care of this? Thanks!
  12. Hi everyone, I've noticed that when airborne, the tires of the main landing gear remain compressed when there's no weight on wheels. As it is working correcly on the nosewheel, I suppose this is not intended behaviour? Can you take a look? Cheers!
  13. Hi everyone, I've noticed two small modelling issues around the cargo doors. On the front lower cargo door, there ceiling panel is not flush with the fuselage skin, revealing a gap. And the bulk door is clipping into the cargo hold floor when opening.
  14. Hi everyone, I've noticed that on all doors, during their opening/closing animation, the fuselage skin is detaching from the rest of the door. Positions are correct in the static open and closed states. This is the case for all doors, be it cargo, entry or maintenance hatches.
  15. Hi everyone, I was really happy to see your 2024 release of the A300 with many really lovely visual upgrades to the exterior model. That's why I had high hopes on one particular issue being fixed. I'm usually a really positive person and do my bug reports in a constructive manner, but at this point I'm just disappointed. The gear on the new premium version still clips into the fuselage on retraction as it is too big for the gear bay. You've known this through severeal, still available reports on the forums. You did a lot of work on the gear bay and yet you deciced to leave this major flaw in modelling as it is? At this point I just can't understand how a company with a strong focus on visual quality let's stuff like this through it's quality control. We've seen similar quality issues with gear animations on the A400M and A330 lately and I honestly fear the worst for the A350. Anyway, let me try to be constructive once more: While I believe the gear strut in it's entirety is too big, thing could still be fixed by having the strut extend way more without weight on wheels. Here's two nice pictures showing the extension of the linkages being much more intense than on your current rendition. The forward linkage is almost parallel to the main strut. (Source: https://www.aviation-gadgets.com/photo/airbus-a300-main-landing-gear-door/) (Source: https://community.infiniteflight.com/t/this-a300-looks-happy-more-panning-content/566426) So, for the love of god, I beg you to take another a look at this. It just doesn't fit in with the overall fidelity of this bird. Thank you!
  16. Thanks for fixing the FMS glow - that was blazing fast! 🥰 Much better now, however I've noticed a little mix up in the corresponding light sources. If you turn off the right FMS, the glow above the left on disappears and vice versa. Nothing too bad though, at leats the aircraft is now really cold and DARK.
  17. Hi everyone, thank you for the masterpiece that is the A300. Love every single bit of it! I've noticed a small inconsistency that I'd like to share here, maybe there's an easy solution. It's about two light sources that aren't all completely realistic: First, there's the green glow of the FMS, which is also displaying when these are of (tested with loading up in C&D) I wonder if that one is baked in or just a light source? Could it be made conditional so that it's off when the FMS displays are off? Or even better: Make it dim with the FMS' brightness? The second one is pretty similar. The galley lighting is brightening the whole cockpit area (which looks amazing!) even though the door is closed: Same thing there: Could there be the condition to have it turn dark whenever the cockpit door is closed? Thanks for any considerations!
  18. With the cargo variant as favorite, I'd not hesitate to pay for any of the variants you did for XP!
  19. Hi everyone, first of all congratulations to the A310 release! It really carries over the vibes I learnt to love in X-Plane. 🥰 I don't know if this is appropriate for a freeware product, but I'd like to share some cornes of the exterior model with you that could need some polishing to be on par with the overall visual quality. The lady just deserves it! 😊 On the right wing, the outtermost slats tend to clip into the wing on ground. The left wing is fine: Same thing goes for some of the actuators and hinges of the spoiler: And on both engines, if you view them from the rear, you'll notices sever missing faces all around the inner cowling. There's two squares missing at the top side and a general gap all around the inner housing that's not consistend with the intended geometry: I'd be very happy if the model deserved some extra love there. While I'm not in a position to demand anything, be aware that knowing and loving your X-Plane versions, I wouldn't have hesitated to pay for the old lady. (And wouldn't for a Cargo/ACJ version either *cough* 😬) Thanks in advance for any efforts!
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