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B320Max8 last won the day on May 20 2024

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  1. Thanks for implementing this as per the changelog. Still, there are no rain effects because the windshield options keep reverting to medium. And medium setting obviously equals "none at all". I take it the ball is now back in Asobo´s competent hands... edit: i accidentally started this topic under the general section of the forum and i am unable to delete it, sorry for that...
  2. I didn't necessarily aim that at you guys. But glad to hear that, thank you. Kind regards
  3. anyone? There´s not even raindrops on the windscreen... Hellloooo? Is this thing on?
  4. Not in the feature list, so hey... but doesn´t hurt asking. regards
  5. More like a comprehensive, developer made manual. The plane simply (still?) lacks the simulation of certain features which already starts with the Auto flight system (e.g. FCOM Monarch Airlines) 1.03.13. regarding AFS overspeed protection in v/s modes. Simply not modelled. I'm not complaining about that, I never expected it to be that accurate but one reason the FCOM won't really help in learning the plane Have a nice Sunday, all
  6. It´s good to know that we " will notice various changes in the product and that has come from some feedback from IRL A300-600R airliner pilots from different operators around the world." but shouldn´t you have consulted those guys in the first place? It´s V 1.1.0. and the changelog reads like an early access product...If i had a dollar for every "reported, thanks"...well, you do the math... I understand that people with real world XP on this type are not easily to come by... but how is this "the ultimate classic airliner expereience"? Regards
  7. The toga button on the glareshield is no (longer) the toga button since now it fullfills it's realworld counterparts function. There's a video by inibuilds where they discribe where to click now. Regards
  8. Normally it takes Asobo a few weeks to even months to clear releases and updates for the market place. Not a lot a developer can do about it.
  9. Really? That's quite disappointing... I understand that this might be one of the often talked about limitations of the platform. Still, I rewatched inibuilds video prior to release where they explained the maintenance features. While they didn't explicitely state that not changing the tyres or brakes will eventually lead to these systems failing, by how it was phrased ("giving you a reason to do maintenance") I was still under the impression that you had to do maintenance in order to prevent that. Also, otherwise why would you have to enable these features in the first place if it's just visual effects? I still like the a300 a lot, but slowly the paints coming off in certain places...
  10. B320Max8


    Do I expect to get a full study level plane for 40 bucks? No, I actually do not. I even stated that in a recent post where I pointed out that what I had to say might be a little too nit picky, given the price tag of the plane. See attachment, if interested. But we should leave it there, because obviously we are going in circles. "Is there a manual?" "No, use the fcom!" "The plane doesn't do what it's suspected to do, according to the fcom" "Then go buy the real plane" I want to stress once more, that I am impressed with it, even more so with the continuous improvement and community work inibuild does. But I thought, they had some sort of input by real a300 pilots during the development phase who would have pointed out the shortcomings and incorrectly modelled systems in the first place. regards.
  11. In this case I wonder why I get a dme readout @lirn rwy24
  12. 🤨
  13. B320Max8


    @Crabby do you get want I want to convey here? An fcom is only worth reading if the simulated plane can be actually operated by that manual. The a300 leaves a lot to be desired here, just try it.
  14. B320Max8


  15. I think this might be a sim problem
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