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Everything posted by ricardo

  1. I have a situation that does not happen on all Inibuilds aircraft. In some, I can enter the Simbrief ID normally, but in others, I cannot. When I try to enter the Simbrief ID, the Xbox virtual keyboard window appears, but even when trying to enter the Simbrief ID, the screen disappears without entering anything. The problem is that it seems to enter input mode and does not exit this situation, leaving you stuck. The simulator continues to work, you can enter the menu, but the controls no longer operate the surfaces, and the simulator seems to be stuck trying to enter some information. This does not happen on the A330-200 and 300. If you try to enter the Simbrief ID on these aircraft, the EFB virtual keyboard appears (with a warning that the aircraft cannot be controlled in this mode), but you can type the Simbrief ID without any problems using the keyboard that comes with the EFB itself. In other words, it does not bring up the Xbox virtual keyboard window, so there is no problem. However, this happens on the A330 Beluga and the A400M. Although you can manually enter the route, pulling from Simbrief is more efficient.
  2. ricardo

    CTD mcdu

    I tried this on the Xbox and it didn't work. It's rare to be able to enter Inibuilds aircraft in 2024 here on the console without freezing. Does this have to do with the lack of memory? Honestly, a few weeks after the launch, I don't believe that Streaming or an incomplete package is the case because it would affect the other aircraft. This is very sad because they launch a problematic simulator and we don't know where to report these problems. On the MSFS forum, we don't have the feeling that anything is being resolved. Trying to pull the route through Simbrief causes the simulator to freeze. You have to try several times to get an Inibuilds aircraft into an airport since most of the time the aircraft freezes. I'm convinced that this isn't streaming, not here on the Xbox. It's a lack of memory, causing the sim to crash.
  3. First, I would like to congratulate Inibuilds for these fantastic aircraft with impeccable quality in terms of simulation and depth. Second, I would like to suggest that the aircraft be further polished in terms of optimization! I am on Xbox and I can hardly get into the game without the aircraft crashing and freezing. I noticed that the aircraft are equipped with a passenger cabin and I believe that the cabin is being rendered in the external view, which lowers the FPS in the external view. Another thing that breaks the plane is pulling data from Simbrief into the FMC. Doing this makes the plane freeze, all of it. Does Inibuilds plan on adding the simulator's native chart system to the tablet in a future implementation? It would be useful to increase immersion here on Xbox.
  4. For those who want to collaborate, the airports are OPSD and SBGP. Taken in the midday sun of each region.
  5. It turned out that the photos were not included in the initial post, but look, the first 4 photos were taken at Skardu airport (OPSD) which has snow in the region. extremely dark screens. And the last two images were taken in SBGP with "green" weather. Brighter screens, but very dark.
  6. Hello Inibuilds team, how are you? Ricardo here. I would like to report an issue that I believe is of utmost importance for the A320 NEO MSFS product and that might be significant for the entire community. The screens of the A320 are very dark, even with the brightness levels set to maximum, and this gets worse when you are in environments with different colorations. For example, in regions without snow, the displays are dark but still somewhat visible. In regions with snow and white colors, the screens become extremely dark. I have attached screenshots taken on the Xbox Series S for reference. I would greatly appreciate it if this could be fixed in the next patch, if possible. Photo taken at Skardu airport (OPSD), as you can see, very dark display in white regions (snow). Photo taken in SBGP
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