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Everything posted by Ralgh

  1. Here you can see on the ORCKA departure out of LAX and the LENDY arrival into JFK the active fixes on the SID/STAR are displayed on the 160 mile range. The same fixes remained displayed on the 320 mile range too. Again there are other SID/STAR fixes displayed but I still am not sure of what the criteria is for that because not all the other SID/STAR fixes are displayed.
  2. Okay, I fly a trip tomorrow and will try to remember to get a pic of it. Interestingly enough I was paying particular attention to it on my last trip, and it was often showing one or two fixes beyond the active fix on the arrival. I don't know if it has to do with distance between fixes or what criteria it was using but the active fix was always displayed.
  3. In the simulation the aircraft is not starting to slow to 250 knots until reaching 10,000 feet in the descent in managed speed. It should plan to be at 250 knots when reaching 10,000 feet.
  4. The active waypoint is not being displayed on the nav display when the range is greater than 80 miles. Is it correct that the waypoints on the SID and STAR aren't displayed above 80 miles range except the active waypoint is always displayed in the real world aircraft.
  5. When starting the engines the lower ECAM page should stay on the ENGINE page until the ENG mode knob is returned to the NROM position. In the current version of the simulation the lower ECAM page automatically switches to the WHEEL page at about 52% N2 which is not correct.
  6. We don't have the A320 NEO but I do fly the A321 NEO with the CFM LEAP at my work and the engines do respond much quicker when setting takeoff thrust than what I am seeing in the simulation. My real world experience matches what is shown in the linked video above.
  7. Ralgh

    Update Version 1.1

    here’s a link to the video. https://youtu.be/N4cxNccH66U?si=0Ep_l0Kh122dfE2V
  8. This has started happening to me as of March 5th. Previous to that I have never had any problems. I'm not aware of anything changing with my computer. The first time I try to download after starting the computer the crash happens about two thirds of the way through the download. Every attempt after that it never actually starts the download.
  9. PMDG 737s have been having this issue and it appears it is related to the transponder. For that plane it seems to have been triggered by updates to MSFS and traffic or some combination, I'm not100% sure. By leaving the transponder off the problem doesn't appear. I don't know if it is specific to their code or MSFS code but maybe try leaving the transponder off and see what happens.
  10. Interesting. I'm going to have to give that a try.
  11. I have the Thrustmaster Boeing throttle quadrant and am experiencing an issue with the A300. The assignments are when I activate thrust reverse (button press) decrease throttle and when I deactivate reverse thrust (button release) throttle cut. Engine 1 responds perfectly for that assignment but when I come out of reverse the engine 2 throttle snaps up to about 57% thrust. If I bump the throttles up a bit the engine 2 throttle with match up with the physical levers. To rule out the controller I tried it with the default 787-10, Leonardo Maddog, PMDG 737 and even the A310 and that assignment works properly for engine 1 and 2 for all those planes. Is anyone else seeing this behavior?
  12. There are videos for the A310. I imagine much of that information would apply to the A300.
  13. Every time I have had this happen with either the A300 or the A310 I have deleted the Rolling Cache and it loaded successfully on the next try. I have Rolling Cache disabled but this still seems to be necessary.
  14. Every time I have had this happen with either the A300 or the A310 I have deleted the Rolling Cache and it loaded successfully on the next try. I have Rolling Cache disabled but this still seems to be necessary.
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