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Thiago Tadeu Goulart

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Everything posted by Thiago Tadeu Goulart

  1. Every flight it needs to be turned off for the purpose of pressurization increase.
  2. 🙂 only ATC assistance + sensibility yoke assistance. In addition, i’ve tried Ready for Takeoff on EFB but nothing. No problem at all. I’ll try disable that assistances. 🙂. If it happens again, can i record a video and send, privately, to you? I love the A310.
  3. Ok, but i lost the nosewheel funcion, pedals animations (rudder is ok), spoiler funcion and level animation. By the way, hydraulics ok and both engines running. In same hand: in a prévios Flight, lateral navigation went off (HDG funcion ; SHDG, HDG) and NAV (direct to didn’t works also). Inibuilds aircrafts are a must, but these issues (new?) about A310 must be investigated.
  4. EFIS went black today (in taxi). Xbox series X.
  5. That fixes the issue. The ACARS import funcionality is now normal for me (my account). Thank you very much.
  6. It works. Incredible. What i’m doing wrong?
  7. Alias account changed as you asked. Doesn’t works.
  8. I’ve tried. HDG and NAV functions are “off”.
  9. ]doen't works on Xbox: COM1 volume knob and mute.
  10. Yes, i did. Sim 1.31.22 Simbrief id: 50feet.
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