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Everything posted by vaudes

  1. vaudes

    Sounds mix

    Maybe having a specific sound volume sertting for callouts, altitude warning and another one for the other systems would help.
  2. vaudes

    Sounds mix

    Hello there, It was a long time since I didn't fly the beauty. I am still disturb with the sound mixing where I find airflow and system sounds way too loud. If I reduce the sounds settings in EFB, I am unable to hear the altitude callouts and minimums. Also, when engine rate increase, airflow and systems sound fade away, and when engine rate decrease airflow and systems sound fade in. For me airflow and systems sounds should be lower (except the call-outs which are important and loud in real) and should remain at the same level even when spooling up wuth engines. Thanks.
  3. I had this once, the only way to coorect this was to deselect realistic maintenance, and then the aircraft was able to move.
  4. vaudes

    V1.03 sounds

    Oh really? I understood DH box will see a height (most of the time 200' for an ils) and FMC will receive the MDA (200' + field elevation)? Can you point me to something on how to correctly set this? Thanks for help.
  5. vaudes

    V1.03 sounds

    Do you mean put the same value in DH box and also FMC, considering that FMC speak about RA?
  6. Thanks Nico, my post was to point that maybe the yellow figures should be reviewed to higher no? Red should be around 200, and yellow after 150 landings, considering that landings are normals. It is just a suggestion and not a big deal at all.
  7. Hy Nico, Thanks for suggestion. With 1.07, I still have problems but not always so not really sure that it is linked to tghe aircraft itself. Could it be linked with a livery (coming from the INI manager?) What I do now, is I load a flight with a easy default plane (single engine piston) and then use the dev tool to change the aricraft. I have better results with this. Also it happens twice that I did have this loading problem with another aircraft.
  8. thanks!
  9. Hello there, using the V/S function of autopilot, during descent, the target rate of descent reset to 0 automatically, way way before target altitude, and I have to reselect my rate of descent. For example, I was on descent form FL270 to FL070, and maybe 30 sec after leaving FL270, the V/S reseted, and I select again -20 and maybe 30 sec after reste again,... and so on. Is it a bad user utilisation, or a known bug? Thanks. Happy flying.
  10. vaudes

    1.06 LNAV issue

    No, it was a full SID to follow out of EDDF. Currently on aonther flight, after a reinstall, and all is good at this stage. Curious.
  11. vaudes

    1.06 LNAV issue

    Version is 1.06 bought direcet from Inibuild. I was on a flight from EDDF to EIDW, flight plan from Simbrief. Troubles in LNAV occured during the whole flight SID, enroute, STAR and even ILS alligning. I did the whole flight using heading mode. On the first time I saw that plane was not following the NAV, I did change to heading, then I call a direct to my next waypoint and then, I selected NAV. With the same result. The plane was making zig and zag trying to find its route I guess.
  12. vaudes

    1.06 LNAV issue

    Thanks. I did not bought from marketplace. I previously did a flight where all goes well. On my last flight, airplane have difficulties to follow LNAV and also missed the ILS. I tried a new installation and from inimanager, and will try a new flight.
  13. vaudes

    1.06 LNAV issue

    I did search again, but found nothing about 1.06 and LNAV issue.
  14. vaudes

    1.06 LNAV issue

    I did but I certainly missed it, but thanks for your contribution. Your post would have been usefull if you gave a reference? The main goal is to help each others, no?
  15. vaudes

    1.06 LNAV issue

    Hello, all On last update, acft doesn't follow LNAV, am I the only one?
  16. Hey there, I read that a normal cycle to change gear is 200-300 landings, and reach the moment where gear appears to be yellow on the maintenance screen on the tablet, but I am only around 25 landings, with a average -250fpm. Is it normal? Thanks. Happy landings
  17. I notice the same, even if it is only before releasing park brake before puschback. I generally tune on the left side, but narroying the clickspot for park brake could be an option, or since park brake lever is huge, deplacing the clickspot would do the trick.
  18. I ended up after 15 min once. What I notice is that memory under tsk manager remaons at 4000Mo but CPU usage is barrely at 0% for MSFS. On a normal loading, CPU usage is higher. I did get the same with 1.05. It seems very random.
  19. OK, by some textures on a livery I though I had a PW . Thanks.
  20. Hello there, Can you confirml how is determine engine type? Only by the texture I add? Or is there any tweak in a config file? Thanks.
  21. Not at all as far as I remember. I was on a VATSIM flight in a controlled area and I was focused on not troubling the other users.
  22. I can confirm I have this too! CTD and sometime stuck on the page to load the flight. Problem with PAX version, not with CARGO version on my side.
  23. Hello all, It has happen to me twice (once under 1.03 and once with 1.04) that my aicraft stop and becomes stuck on the ground. Disabling Maintenance mode, allowed me to continue my taxi. Any idea?
  24. vaudes

    V1.03 sounds

    Hey Nico, I did try a flight, put 180 in the DH copilot window, put 411 in the FMC which I lowered by -20ft compared to the RA in the charts, and did not have any minimum call-out. Maybe I am configuring it wrong. Any ideas?
  25. Hello All, Most of the time I am unable to load the PAX version. Sometime when selecting default livery or custom livery, choosing a place to pop-up, launching will crash MSFS to desktop. Sometime when selecting default livery or cutsom livery, choosing a place to pop-up, launching and the screen remains black and the progress bar stay stuck in the middle. I have no problem with the CARGO version. Any idea what could cause this and how to correct it? I have already performed a fresh install. Am I the only one? Thanks.
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