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Everything posted by moxiejeff

  1. title says it all.
  2. Inibuilds -- any update on this? I'm seeing more and more posts about CTD every time people try to load A306 into the sim. I've never experienced this until 1.1.1 and now it's happening constantly.
  3. Loving the latest update; fixed a lot and my A306 is flying great. Just wanted to say THANK YOU!
      • 2
      • Thanks
  4. Have exact same issue w/ TCA as well; but assumed it's just a simple deadzone calibration in MSFS that needs tweaking.
  5. I haven't experienced one single issue w/ AP. It works flawlessly.
  6. +1
  7. I use GSX and have had ZERO issues w/ A300.
  8. It definitely isn't working 100% of the time... but I was also told a "moving map" is not implemented at this time (like it is in PMDG's Navigraph EFB), but that said, I still notice my airplane icon not in perfect positioning during taxi or other Navigraph maps.
  9. A simple google search will do so many of you wonders. There's a ton of tutorials, i.e. 737ngdriver/A330driver has an entire set.
  10. Also, Ini's airplanes aren't using Navigraph FMC data... that's your first issue. 😉
  11. I am using the Thrustmaster TCA Officer Pack and have literally zero issues. Calibrating the throttles via the EFB works.
  12. That's a MSFS setting -- go into Assistance Options and turn off all damage selections (via MSFS Settings).
  13. In the EFB, the airplane icon in Navigraph maps does not work/move. My plane icon stays exactly where I spawned, even after flying a couple of hours. I even ensured I am using the latest Simlink, which I am. Anyone else?
  14. I had to turn the volume sliders to max in settings to get any type of 'adequate' sounds. Definitely need some improvement.
  15. *** correction to my title -- I mean the moving map via Navigraph on EFB.
  16. Anyone else having issues w/ Navigraph map and current aircraft location? It doesn't update, my plane just stays on map where I spawned, even though I'm now 15 minutes into my flight? This has happened, twice, now. Any ideas on how to fix?
  17. So guess what? Clearing my scenery cache folder WORKED!!! Thank you @gumbyger
  18. @gumbygerthank you. Yes, same email used here as on simmarket and I included my simmarket order #.
  19. @gumbygercan you please help? I’ve tried everything for the last 4 days. Nothing is loading. I also submitted a request to transfer my LAX purchase from simmarket back to IniBuilds and no response on this either.
  20. Any update on this? I also submitted a transfer from sim market to inimanager but never got a response.
  21. Also worth noting -- I purchased this via Simmarket -- seems like there are others who have this issue too.
  22. Hey @gumbyger - here you go: Result: Still does not load. Any ideas on how to fix? My other 3rd party airports load fine. Side note: I am in the MSFS beta, which is currently on -- but it was only the avionics update for B787, B747... nothing was supposedly changed in the actual sim.
  23. I've befuddled. I've ensured my Inibuilds KLAX is the only airport installed in MSFS (I deleted the Asobo one) and yet it will not load. I get generic buildings. I've uninstalled, reinstalled -- nothing is working!!!
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