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Everything posted by Marko93

  1. Thanks for your response. I am sure you are busy with different projects, but maybe this is a part of the problem. I am not pleased with the spirit all around that is releasing products which are not yet working as they should and many times are advertised as if they are. Sometimes I wonder if one should call it early access when it needs several months of tinkering around and a few patches until every feature is in place, and sometimes it will never be. You've advertised this plane to be developed in direct contact with a real-life T-33 pilot and your trailer lets us believe that his feedback was a centerpiece of your efforts to make it as accurate as possible, with correct system behaviour and flight dynamics. I know that MSFS can be a piece of work as I've been the main consultant on the FlyingIron Bf-109 and have seen what kind of workaround it sometimes needs to get a part of the plane to work as it should... but as this addon is advertised as "Premier" I kind of expect most of the things to be rather accurate, which some aren't yet. About the support - I have now created a ticket with the stuff I've posted here, but to me the question arises why the support page exists at all in this forum at all when it dooesn't get taken into account?
  2. Inibuilds produces addons that are, in part, of outstanding quality. Before buying the T-Bird I had the Bf-108 and I find them both VERY impressive regarding model and textures, also the 108s sound is very accurate as are the samples used in the T-33, at least to my ears. Some nice features and gimmicks, a little extra on some procedures, but (and a big but to me) a lot of stuff feels unfinished and at least in the 108 was never corrected despite being reported in this forum. With some more development and attention to detail both planes could be MUCH better and I sincerely hope that the "PREMIER" slogan put on the addon discussed here will have something more to it than the claim of real-pilot feedback, authenticity of behaviours (that is not achieved yet) and a higher price. Inibuilds, if you're reading, I am sorry for being so naggy. The market is full of developers producing half-hearted mediocre planes just on the effect of great visuals and I sense you could do much better. Please hear us, this will make us fly those addons for years to come instead of just a few hours until they are pushed in the dusty corners of our virtual hangars, thanks! I'd gladly even pay a little more for that.
  3. Dear Inibuilds devs, recently purchased the T-33 because I fell to your advertising and was impressed by the fact that you dealt with an actual owner and operator of the aircraft to faithfully recreate it. I am amazed by the visuals and many parts of this simulation. However I see some weakpoints that I just don't want to accept after this very promising advertisement and the fact that many parts of this aircraft are outstanding, please continue development on it. Eye candy is going to get those planes into people's hangars, but system depth, immersion, sound and flight dynamics will get them out there again to actually be flown regularly, and that is hopefully what you care for. I will post those points in the respective topics. Repainting: I would love to see hundreds of repaints on this plane and there sure would be enough potential to make it happen as many nations adopted the type. Germany for example has extensively flown the T-Bird and several examples remain in a museum. The paints delivered on default are really beautiful and the preview pics as well as videos made me dream of my own GAF plane with a nice civil registry and some patina, one day... However after a glimpse into the textures I don't think I could repaint this plane which I would've enjoyed... and as soon as I saw Jan-Kees's post I really felt the urge of nagging a little as this guy has been one of my prime sources of first class repaints for at least a decade. If he refuses to paint the plane this means something. Please, please consider reassessing this.
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  4. Dear Inibuilds devs, recently purchased the T-33 because I fell to your advertising and was impressed by the fact that you dealt with an actual owner and operator of the aircraft to faithfully recreate it. I am amazed by the visuals and many parts of this simulation. However I see some weakpoints that I just don't want to accept after this very promising advertisement and the fact that many parts of this aircraft are outstanding, please continue development on it. Eye candy is going to get those planes into people's hangars, but system depth, immersion, sound and flight dynamics will get them out there again to actually be flown regularly, and that is hopefully what you care for. I will post those points in the respective topics. Engine spool-up time: Does the engine (I suspect it to be the RR Nene engine instead of the Allison?) really spool up that fast in real life? If I put the throttle forward from idle the sound spools up way to fast to be believable, same with the spool down if the throttle is cut. As this engine should take a while to build up rpm and power, I doubt this to be realistic. Despite really hamfisting the throttle I was never able to actually get temps or pressures in the red range and thus I don't see the characteristics of this early jet engine to be simulated, which is a shame because that is what I hoped for.
  5. Marko93

    Engine sound

    Furthermore the sound seems not to be coupled to rpm. On the one hand it's frequency goes up faster than the rpm does, on the other hand the frequency does not rise after about 70% rpm or so towards 100%, the sound remains static.
  6. Marko93

    Engine sound

    Dear Inibuilds devs, recently purchased the T-33 because I fell to your advertising and was impressed by the fact that you dealt with an actual owner and operator of the aircraft to faithfully recreate it. I am amazed by the visuals and many parts of this simulation. However I see some weakpoints that I just don't want to accept after this very promising advertisement and the fact that many parts of this aircraft are outstanding, please continue development on it. Eye candy is going to get those planes into people's hangars, but system depth, immersion, sound and flight dynamics will get them out there again to actually be flown regularly, and that is hopefully what you care for. I will post those points in the respective topics. Engine sound: Does the engine (I suspect it to be the Nene engine instead of the Allison?) really spool up that fast in real life? If I put the throttle forward from idle the sound spools up way to fast to be believable, same with the spool down if the throttle is cut. As this engine should take a while to build up rpm and power, I doubt this to be realistic.
  7. Thanks for clarifying. I feel that the extent the steering works from rudder input is really high however as I expect the plane to be much more reluctant to go around corners.
  8. Dear devs, My last nagging post for today, I promise. Isn't the 108 tailwheel free castering? The steering regardlessly is on sports-car level in the sim... don't know if that bird is cutting corners like this. Many thanks for dou fast reaction to my previous ones!
  9. Unfortunately only estimates. The engine does warm up rather slowly when surrounding air is cold as is with any aircooled engine. One would be advised to let it warm up with a little power applied as soon as oil pressure permits as this should increase heat produced. Cooldown process is rather slow as oil doesn't circulate when engine is shut down and thus mostly rests in the tank meaning large volume and low surface to dissipate heat. Maybe contact an owner of a real one? Dirk Bende overhauled a lot of those AS10s in Germany and has a website.
  10. I am not sure if there is an interim position. They are supposed to extend above a certain AOA and snap back into Up position as soon as you're below it. Operation of those is really light, you can push them in with a thumb on the ground. Some pilots of the 109 report to even hear a distinct "Clonk" when they extend or retract.
  11. I need to rewind on the sputter thing... the Argus seems to take that very well. Look at this, it revs up like a Hemi!
  12. Marko93

    gear indicator

    Dear devs, I fear the gear indicator is stuck at my place. The red bar should move towards "Flug" when it is retracted, shouldn't it? Many thanks
  13. Dear Devs, the engine is spooling up like a jet engine, far too slow. There should be a little moment before the engine reaches full rpm as it is a carbureted engine. When throttle is moved fast from idle to max power the engine is likely to cough and sputter for a moment (as the mixture gets very lean the first moment the carb throat is opened up completely) before reving up swiftly. I like the prop simulation so far however!
  14. Dear Devs, I just grabbed my 108 from simmarket. Love the visuals and sound! Oil temperature should rise far slower in the airplane. I just started my first flight at Samedan in cold temperatures and after startup the oil temps were ready to go after a minute or so. There is 15l of cold oil to be warmed up in an aircooled engine. On temperatures below zero this should take a while, give it 4 to 5 minutes. On the other hand the temperature should last a while. With oil temp around 80°C it should take at least 30 min for them to fall to ambient temperature. Thank you for this gorgeous airplane!
  15. Hey, I entered the forum to write about exactly that. It would also be helpful to know how many primer strokes are needed approximately and what the procedure on overpriming is (as I expect fuel off, mags off, throttle wide open and crank engine?).
  16. Dear Devs, the slats should, like in the Bf-109, drop out completely as soon as the critical aoa is reached. In the sim right now it seems more like a slow and greasy movement. Thank you!
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