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Everything posted by mrdyer

  1. any consideration to implementing random dimable animation for pax windows to exterior views similar to ifly 737 max which gives much more life and realisim.
  2. thanks. Seems to be a server issue. Solved with VPN
  3. I install it but it does not show in the GSX folder, I try to manually install it from the RW GSX profiles in the Inibiulds app but it says download cancelled?
  4. Position 1 & 2 seem to do the same thing, tail logo light is on, position 1 I thought was only NAV lights no logo? Also exterior pilot eye view point is too high, they seem to be modeled sitting way too high above the head rest were their heads should be.
  5. post is for the modeled pilots viewed from outside
  6. Hi Inibuilds, Both pilots seem to be sitting too high on the seats or their scale is off unless they are extremely tall but as both have their heads well above the head rest of their seats. I have included some reference pictures copyrights to the picture owners.
  7. Hi Inibuilds, I have noticed that at different weights including max zfw the A300 will move along and gain speed without any more than idle thrust. Acceleration seems the same no matter the weight and it does not feel heavy during taxi. In additon at low cruise altitudes (FL220) the aircraft levels off at a close to 0 degree nose up which seems unrealistic.
  8. This was fixed with the free mod of the Asobo Premium version of OMDB, any chance we can get this fixed with the inibuilds version?
  9. I also agree, as a perfectly placed airport 8 hours from deep south america or europe its very strategic and 2nd in International pax in the USA.
  10. I'm in for PW4000 A310 variant and A300-600 (R) PW&GE, both Cargo and Pax. Leverage the job done and finish the family. These are great mid-range AC that we can use.
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