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Everything posted by YoYo

  1. YoYo

    Cockpit lights

    More: And known picture of Elly Beinhorn.
  2. YoYo

    Cockpit lights

    All in all, it would be nice to do at least these side small lamps with a switch (even on these lamps). Just idea.
  3. YoYo

    Cockpit lights

    About light. The real Taifun (but also not all) has light of gauges in the place marked by green arrow (in the model we have Generator switch here). Some of Taifuns, had 2 small lamps, placed in sleeves on the sides (right and left near windows), something like a dome light. It was turnd on/off by switch (3th from the left) on this right side panel (marked as blue square). I also came across a info about Taifun that had a light on the dome (top of the canopy), but I don't have that photo.
  4. I've searched a bit, but it's not that simple. I think I've come across a simple radio with presets buttons (marked yellow) in this photo above, but I honestly can't document it in any way. I cant find more info about it. Maybe in the future. It seems a bit improbable that in 1937 Taifun didn't have any radio, the Germans had it quite well mastered, but oh well. Perhaps most did not actually have a radio for external communications. The only idea which I have is to hide something in a drawer. As you can see, its nothing new ;). This is example from Taifun of CH from FSX: simple comm radio was hiding too. BUT I know, it could be bigger problem because it would require more interference than I initially thought, so it's your decision. We can also live without a Comm radio ;).
  5. I will try to find out something, I suspect it may be similar in Fi-156 and early Bf-109E. Certainly option B will be hard to do in MSFS, because it was the ground crew who set everything before the flight, and the pilot from the cockpit only presses presets like A, B, C, D, E, e.g. Under this, specific frequencies were assigned. But maybe there could be a compromise for users ;).
  6. Firstly thank you for classic cockpit! Not even priority, just wish (if it could be possible). The old Taifun has a Radio Comm (B1+). Missing this feature in the cockpit right now a little. When I fly it is quite quiet and there is no one to talk to 😉. I'm absolutely not saying it's a bug, but it would just be nice to have it. Radio Comm was marked (Im not sure 100%) on this place marked yellow arrow below front panel or (maybe) on the left wall. It looks like radio with presets, that is, the frequencies were set on the ground by crew. It cold be nice to have something like this if the classic cockpit will be choosen on the tablet. It may look different, be done in the old form, with frequencies + power "on/off". Currently you cannot use ATC with MSFS in classic. Like I said, it would be nice to have, its not an issue.
  7. YoYo

    gear indicator

    I checked, in 1.0.1 works like before. The red dot is small, but works 100%. 👍
  8. YoYo

    Tailwheel steer

    I also think the model oversteers during taxi, however I prefer this than too unresponsive ;). Fortunately, I have quite good and sensitive pedals (Virpil), so its enough that I operate them very gently during the taxi and make only small movements. During the take off run, it always has tailwheel lock and music is playing still 😄.
  9. YoYo

    Tailwheel steer

    Yes. its castering wheel with tailweel lock. From the (real) manual: Tail wheel lock works here, LShift+G.
  10. Its out already: https://flightsim.to/file/51494/bf-108-taifun-d-ihdd-isle-of-man-air-race
  11. YoYo

    gear indicator

    but it works .... for me. I'll check it in current version. You have the small red dot on this indicator.
  12. Yes, it wasnt solved in 1.0.1 yet.
  13. YoYo


    Maybe you have dev version 😄. Its impossible on my 1.0.1, see this: direct straight flight, speed 270km/h, AoA = 0 AoA = minus, dive, speed 340km/h still the pressure does not hide the slats
  14. YoYo

    Cockpit lights

    In model no, no any lights in interior. You can use flashlight of MSFS, however, the oryginal Taifun has illuminescent gauges, so something should light in the VC. By the way, I will check how it is in a real Bf-108 from the WW2 period. I was wondering that too.
  15. Btw. it wasnt solved in 1.0.1 too.
  16. YoYo


    Oh, so you dont know it? I reported it at beginning but in MSFS Forum and it was noted here. Ok. Model has slats issue (I think animation maybe is ok, because I see that slots can hide completely in 3D model) but during the flight the slats are always extended, regardless of their position, more or less but they are open always. In real life, the position of the slats depends on the Angle of Attack during the flight (so also of the airplane speed and wind too), when AoA is close to zero or negative (straight flight or descending), the slots do not deflect at all and are exactly on the wing line. This is not possible in the model and in the MSFS environment, so something has been implemented wrong. 3D model - is possible: Real life (from 7:22): The model in MSFS: This is dive, so they should be completely hidden, they should have the precise line of the wing. Unfortunately, something is badly encoded and they do not hide completely, although as you can see in the first picture, it is possible in the 3D model.
  17. Guys, what about slats animation issue? It wasnt solved in 1.0.1 so I hope it wasnt the last patch for the Taifun? 😉
  18. Here is a corner for Bf-108: https://forum.inibuilds.com/forum/300-bf108-taifun-for-microsoft-flight-simulator/ .
  19. Yes, drag of flaps is present on better level after the 1.0.1 update and landing behavior is much better. Thx for this.
  20. Exactly, that's the point of this post. You can react and it happens more gradually, not suddenly, like a huge gust from some hurricane that completely pushes the plane to the side 😉.
  21. Hello, is it possible that the place of pilot and passenger will be empty if we put 0 lb in weight settings? Good option for screenshots ;).
  22. Its possible, Few addons have this, like for example Got Friends PZL-104 Wilga. If you can pls do it, it not - we can life with this ;)! Thank you.
  23. YoYo

    Classic cockpit?

    Thank you, its present in 1.0.1 :)!
  24. Thank You for update in 1.01.! Just can you connect it with parking brake in MSFS too so not only in tablet to enable it/remove it? Parking brake is "LShift+G" on my MSFS for example. It is much simpler and faster. Additionally request - in parking mode (Cold and Dark situation, not hot start) chocks were always visible and enable 🙂? Otherwise, the model can slip from slightly inclined airfields. Thank You.
  25. YoYo

    Turn indicator

    Strange, I didnt noticed it. Maybe the collision with some other mod?
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