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Everything posted by FelixM

  1. Hi, I admit Iam a Fenix fan boy, only flying that airplane. However I thought it is time for some long range flights with the A330, but what happend to the sound set of that plane? It is actually not to bad system wise, but the sounds are catastrophic. I have the feeling that they are non existent, switching buttons, taxi noise, takeoff roll on the rwy etc. it is all exremely quiet. I would pay for an upgraded version. Better sounds are much appreciated. Maybe thats something you might consider for the future. I hope the same does not apply for the A350. Actually wanted to buy this one, gonna watch some more product videos. Best reagrds, Felix
  2. Hi, Iam interested to buy VTBS (SiamFlight) at the Inibuilds manager, but there is a version mismatch to the one SiamFlight offers at flightsim.to. As this version offers MSFS2024 compatibilty I wonder whether this is updated on the Inibuilds manger as well. Best regards, Felix
  3. Just read that Iam getting a notification....so all good
  4. @richboy2307 Thx for moving my post. I just did everything as you told me. Do I get a notification or does it automatically show up in the ini manager? Best regards, Felix
  5. Hi I have 4 products which I want to transfer to my IniManager account. Those are KBUF, LEIB, EGLL and NZQN (all from Inibuilds). I bought them for MSFS2020 in the market store. I deinstalled MSFS2020 and I can see them in the MSFS2020 market place section of the new MSFS2024. I made a Screenshot according to the transfer webpage, so far so good. I also managed to find my microsoft MSFS2020 order history. The only problem I have is that it is impossible to find the correct corresponding order numbers as they do not contain any specific information. This is an Example: Order Number: xxxxxxxxxxx, Microsoft Flight Simulator - 070 FlightSim Credits 14,70 € My adress: xxxxxxxx I have like 40 order numbers. Any ideas what I can do? I mean I can give you all the numbers, but I hope there is another way. Thx, Felix Mueller ---------------------------------- AMD Ryzen 7 7800X3D Nvidia GeForce RTX 4080 32 GB RAM Dell Alienware AW3432DWF 3440 x1440 165 Hz
  6. @richboy2307 Hi, I have 4 products which I want to transfer to my IniManager account. Those are KBUF, LEIB, EGLL and NZQN (all from Inibuilds). I bought them for MSFS2020 in the market store. I deinstalled MSFS2020 and I can see them in the MSFS2020 market place section of the new MSFS2024. I made a Screenshot for the website you have linked, so far so good. I also managed to find my microsoft MSFS2020 order history. The only problem I have is that it is impossible to find the correct corresponding order numbers as they do not contain any specific information. This is an Example: Order Number: xxxxxxxxxxx, Microsoft Flight Simulator - 070 FlightSim Credits 14,70 € My adress: xxxxxxxx I have like 40 order numbers. Any ideas what I can do? Thx, Felix Mueller
  7. Hi, Maybe this should be more emphasized in the FAQ Throtlle calibration section. I spend hours to calibrate my bravo for the A330 (A320 worked fine). The issue was that no matter what I did it jumped into reverse at idle. Since there was a throttle file in folder the FAQ had mentioned I did not spend much time thinking that this was the killer. After deleting the file and did exactly the same steps as before all went fine. I know you mentioned to delete the file, but that should be in capital letters as step 1. Best regards, Felix
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  8. Hi, unfortunately I bought EGLL over the market place and I saw that on my other products I can actually configure the airport in the Ini-Manager. The reason Iam bringing that up is that with both the Fenix and the PMDG I experience a smooth experience at EGLL except that there is a heavy freeze/stutter every 5 second approx. I have cleared dx/gl shader files, i have cleared rolling cache, in fact i do not use rolling cache at all. also updated nvidia driver etc. I have a pretty strong system and on other heavy scenery airports i dont experience that (tested several airports inibuilds jfk, corfu flytampa etc). BTW I also tried to turn off online functionality completely so even with no photogrammetric data at all there is this freeze or stutter. I also set LOD to 20 same freeze stutter. Only on EGLL. I also deinstalled the Asobo version. 1. Do you have an idea what can cause that? Or what I can do? 2. I read that there might be a chance to transfer my market place order to an order so that I can use my ini manager. Here I could try to configure the airport better, maybe that helps. At the time I bought this i didnt know about the drawbacks of that damn marketplace. If there is a fee for that I would pay it. Thx for your time and best regards, Felix
  9. Hi, hmm no comments on this ? Best regards, Felix
  10. Hi, just read that there is an update for LEIB. Is that comming for the marketplace version as well? Best regards, Felix
  11. Ok disregard that, there already is a post about that issue. Sry did not see that.
  12. Hi, justed visited LEIB (store version, PC) again and as I was vacating the runway I was totally confused with the taxiways letters. Apparently I vacated on foxtrot F according to what I could see in the scenery but looking at the navigraph taxilayout there is no taxiway foxtrot. It was one of the E3 or E4 cant remember. And there is also no alpha taxyway adjacent to that. The scenery itself is in perfect shape just the taxi description is wrong, or am I missing something here? Best regards, Felix
  13. When I remember correctly VLOC or pure vor navigation is bugged at the moment and should be fixed next update. VLOC doesn’t work properly on my side as well. best regards felix
  14. Hi, BTW it is the same with the pause system. Pausing the SIM (while flying the A310) in particular if you go into a menu will cause the A310 to go totally crazy when you resume the game. Unrecoverable. Best regards, Felix
  15. Hi, Land ASAP 😉 1. RAT : On (Ram Air Turbine, there is a handle on the left side of the Captain seats) RAT will allow the yellow hydraulic system to be powered and will give you flight controls to operate. 2. Throttles: IDLE Optimum Speed: green dot speed (average rate of descent 1700 ft/min) 3. Emer Exit LT : Disarm 4. Flaps 15° for approach 5. At 2000 ft AGL Emer Exit LT On 6. Before "impact" Ram Air on, Pitch approx 11° 7. at Touchdown: fuel levers off, pull all fire handles I took the relevant steps from the QRH (Quick Reference Handbook for Both Engine Flame Out Scenario with no Fuel remaining). I listed not all steps, just the most important. Most important thing to to do is to turn on RAT to power the yellow hydraulic system. Hope the helps. Best regards Felix
  16. FelixM

    MSFS 2020 A310

    Hi, Have you installed the Dirty Livery Pack from Dreamscenery? That livery package causes exactly the issue you have described. Best regards, Felix
  17. Hi together, just as an information for other pilots. If you have installed the Dirty Livery Pack from Dreamscenery then I highly recommend deinstalling it as it seems to interfere with the A310. As a result of this livery package you will the yourself with an animated Captain and a Copilot in the seats and all switches are not clickable. Iam running on Xbox, but I have seen a post on the official MSFS forum for PC as well. Best regards, Felix
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  18. @gumbygerJust spot something. Is it possible that in your case your new step climb altitude was lower that the optimized FL in the FMC ? In my case I had 373 FL Max and something like 365 FL for optimized. I then tried 370 FL for the step. This did not work. Maybe the algorithm compares the new step climb altitude to the optimized instead to the max level, so it essentially thinks no you can't go that high. Just guessing here. Will test that after christmas.
  19. This is really strange. I will make a video as well after Christmas. I'm doing it exactly the same way and the plane doesn't climb. Maybe you can spot something I have done wrong. But I mean there is actually not much you can do wrong hmm....
  20. Hi, thx for taking care. Btw if you need another Xbox tester let me know. I have most of your scenery and would be happy to help sort things on XBox relevant topics. Atm I have flown around 60000 km with the A310 on my first around the world trip. I have already a small list of little things I have found on the A310. Will make a post about them, when I have finished the whole trip. Best regards and merry Christmas to all of you. Best reagrds, Felix
  21. Hi, (Iam on XBoxX) after landing I taxi to the gate, turn on the APU shut down the engines and then would instantly like to prepare for the next flight (without exiting). So I do refueling through the EFB , new flight plan through simbrief and start from the beginning. This will result in 100% CTD. I did now 10 tests and it always crashes to the XBoxX main menu, mostly during taxi. You can actually accelerate the CTD by changing views (in the cockpit left/right etc....). It only happens with the A310. No problems with other aircrafts doing this. Maybe that is something to look into the future. Not a major thing, since you can always start a new flight via the menu. Best regards, Felix
  22. HI, I just tested it myself and can confirm that it is not working as shown in the Video. (Running on Xbox X) 1. Flying leveled at CRZ Alt FL340 2. Insert Step Climb for the next Waypoint to FL370 (FMS is now updated to FL370) 3. Changing Altitude knob to FL 370 4. Getting P.CLB flashing Blue in the FMA shortly before reaching the waypoint 4. Crossing the Waypoint - nothing happens. P.CLB flashing in blue just vanished. Comment: There was no turn followed after waypoint , pretty much a straight line. Best regards, Felix
  23. Hi Cammac, thx for your answer! Ok if it was a customer option, which then could be allowed in the SOP - perfectly fine with that - did not know that 🙂. Do you have any SOP where this is actually written down? But as I said you can not use profile mode at NZQN even only to MDA. MDA there is at 4100 ft. Test it yourself. Not gonna work. At the FAF in a perfectly state you should have 0 deviation from the vertical profile. At NZQN you will start with around +2200 ft deviation from the vertical path at the FAF (perfectly configured according to charts), which is logical, because of the followed circular pattern. The "customer option/profile mode" can only be used with RNAV approaches which follow a straight or curved approach track, but no circle to land procedures. In case of circle to land things you can not even use profile mode just to MDA. In those cases you only have two choices 1. V/S Mode 2. FPA/FPV. FPA/FPV is also very important for visual approaches. I mean you can probably read between the lines .... I just want that feature so bad 🙂 Best regards, Felix
  24. Hi Thanks for your response. I'm aware of that video and the VNAV feature with respect to Non-Precision approaches. The reason why I asked is that the Airbus A310 procedures actually do not allow to fly the final approach in profile mode. They use profile mode to the FAF and then switch to V/S mode. That is the standard procedure for non-precision approaches. See Screenshot below. That is actually the same I have found in any other SOP or QRH documents of the A310. I actually have read somewhere in the 1000+ pages where it explicitly says "profile mode not allowed in final approach". According to some videos I have found pilots of the A310 have reported that the profile mode of the A310 was not that accurate and has its drawbacks. But I just heard that can not verify this at all. Apart from that the profile mode will fail if you have special RNAV approaches followed by a circle to land procedure. For example NZQN 23 RNAV H, because it does not take the circling part into account. I have tested this several times, because I like the inibuilt NZQN scenery 🙂 Don't get me wrong. Not a biggy, but would just be nice to have 🙂 Best regards, Felix
  25. Hi, I just came across a video of the inibuilds failure system of the A310 and that was absolut stunning. Will there be a time where this comes to MSFS on Xbox. I would pay for it! Best regards, Felix
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