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  1. Forgot to mention I'm on latest SU1 beta
  2. OK. I reinstalled entire package now nothing got loaded. Wait 20 min or 40 min. Delete WASM or not. Indefinite spinning wheel with files generated below
  3. I tried to reinstall, clear WASM, load aircraft with default white livery - nothing works. I'm currently on SU1 beta. My rig i9-13900KF, 64G of RAM, Geforce 4090. I can load 1000 or 900 without cabin but not 900 with cabin! When I attempt to start flight with 900 cabin version, I see spinning circle. 20024 doesn't freeze or crash but loading takes indefinite time. My record so far loading 900 cabin version is an hour (untill I hit ESC and cancel it. Any suggestion or work around on how to fly 900 cabin version?
  4. What is this and how to get EFB to work again
  5. I installed SU1 beta and cleared WASM! I was able to fly only once in 1000 version with default livery. 900 version doesn't load (hangs loading flight screen indefinitely) Half of the time 2024 crashes when loading flight with 350. Not sure what is the deal A300 works flawlessly. Friday patch didn't solve any of the problems. Please fix P.S. My rig: I9-3900KF, 64G, Gforce 4090.
  6. Yes I got them as well. Very odd looking and annoying. I did not have them before last patch
  7. Update: freezing seems like due to conflict with Just Flight RJ
  8. I've been enjoying flying A300 premium but today my A300 freezes at PANC airport minutes or so after starting aligning IRS. I tried different location at the airport with the same result! I tried 3 time in the row. Entire view of cockpit freezes while sound still works
  9. Nexrad is not WX radar it's data feed with up to 15 min delay. WX radar would authenticity and immersion since there is already place for it.
  10. For impression presupposes could you add a weather radar? 225 radar look very similar to "greeny" WX radar that Flysimware Cessna 414 added (after API was implemented )
  11. I Believe Angle of Attack indicator red notch suppose to represent critical angle of attack . I think it should be around 13-14 degrees not 24
  12. sdflyer

    VSI question

    What are unit of electronic vertical speed indicator (one with TCAS) ft or meters? Thanks
  13. Its it possible to add basic autopilot in EFB such as heading hold and altitude hold for long hauls? thank you
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