I wondered whether my descent profile was too steep and was therefore ignored by PROFILE mode as Unable. I tried the same flight at lower cruise altitude (SimBrief seems to give very high altitudes for mid-range flights). Anyway, PROFILE was working great. I had selected the FAF altitude, and the aircraft descended to the next profile altitude (FL240) and leveled off short of the next descent point. I expected it would begin descending at the next waypoint, but alas a CDT!
Thanks for your help. Much appreciated! 🙂
BTW, I watch many hours of tutorials and take notes. Unfortunately, in many tutorials, I cannot understand clearly what is being said and CC often doesn't catch the meaning either. Also, much of the clicking on buttons etc. is so fast I can't see it well. I back up and replay so much that a 30-minute video takes 90 minutes or more. I guess that's just me - an old guy.