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richboy2307 last won the day on March 4

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Community Answers

  1. Hi @Top27 Toggling the REVERSE ON AXIS should reset the throttle calibration normally. You can also do the same by deleting your ThrottleData.ini file and relaunching the sim. For keyboard you want REVERSE ON AXIS = NO IDLE to be at ~22% CLB to be at ~50% FLX/MCT at ~75% TOGA at 100%
  2. That sounds like a possible keybind conflict (inadvertent inputs on Aileron/Rudder/Pitch or trims for either of those). Check your control profiles and ensure none are bound on any connected devices other than the one you want. Additionally, you may use the AP DISCONNECT PROTECTION option from OIS Simulation Settings which inhibits the realistic AP disconnection logic (due to control inputs or excessive rate of change on g forces) Thanks!
  3. richboy2307

    WASM Crash

    I am sharing below information in the interest of transparency, to show that we're committed to the cause to improve the experience for all our customers as mentioned above but this issue is a complex one. 100% reproduction on one system does not mean 100% universal reproduction. As seen in this video below, I've been trying a few times to reproduce the crash based on your report. Loading in to an airport, changing navdata sources and constantly re-importing. Have done so over 50 times without a crash as yet on A350-900 (v1.0.2) in FS20. Once we get successful reproduction, we can introduce debuggers/logging to investigate further code-side and weed out the root cause. We try this on multiple systems and across testers by sharing the reproduction steps with them. 2025-03-11 20-30-19(1).mp4 So, if anything else to add to help us better reproduce the above, would be appreciated. Thanks!
  4. richboy2307

    WASM Crash

    Hi @EilidhP Thanks for your report. Passed on to the team. I understand your frustrations, the team are committed to resolve these instances of WASM crashes and improve stability for all. WASM is complex and is limiting by the fact there is no exception handling, so in case of even a small error in code or data received, the entire WASM crashes rather than failing a specific part of the function. So to reduce WASM crashes as much as possible, you need code to self-handle all edge cases perfectly. We are working tirelessly to that end and reports like these help in this effort. Thanks for your time and patience meanwhile!
  5. Hi, Team has identified the source of this crash related to TCAS updates. We're in progress of testing the fix, in the meanwhile you may keep your TCAS on STBY to avoid potential crash. Thanks!
  6. Thanks reported. Team has identified the source of this crash related to TCAS updates. We're in progress of testing the fix, in the meanwhile you may keep your TCAS on STBY to avoid potential crash. Thanks!
  7. richboy2307

    Bad FPS

    Hi, Please post screenshots of your in-sim FPS counter for when you're experiencing issues as that will provide more clues. As for performance on 2020, we are working on an update with further optimizations on the art end that should net in better performance in that regard however additional information such as the sim FPS counter, your specs and sim graphics settings will be more valuable in deciphering the same. Honestly with specs like "RTX 4090 and I9 14900k with 96GB RAM" the performance you're having makes no sense. I run on a 5800x3D, 3090, 32GB RAM with mostly high settings, 4K TAA and OLOD/TLOD 150 and can manage 30fps+ easily in most scenarios. Something else is amiss in the instances you're reporting as that is not the common experience for all customers. Thanks!
  8. Hi @Sirraj Thanks for the report. Only this one is the wasm crash. In case it happens again, can you please share a screenshot of your screen showing all the displays, for some additional clues as to what being shown on the MFD may have caused a crash. Thanks!
  9. Hi, Please screenshots or video clips of this as it happens will help. The plane does not descend on its own at TOD, you have to dial down the ALT on the FCU and then "PUSH" the ALT selector knob to engage DES mode. Just for context, haven't observed this behaviour personally in the 300+ hours on A350 in testing nor seen it reported by any of our testers as yet so we need reproduction steps if this is an issue. Like I said above, my guess at the moment is that the aircraft was not in the proper ATHR detent, as such there was overspeed or lack of descent as the aircraft is unable to command desired thrust, based on this other user report: https://forum.inibuilds.com/topic/25224-autothrottle-wont-hold-descentselected-autopilot-speed/ Thanks!
  10. We are committed to resolve these instances of WASM crashes and improve stability for all. The team is working tirelessly to that end and reports like these help in this effort. For this specific TCAS related crash the fix undergoing testing currently. Thanks for your time and patience meanwhile!
  11. Thanks for confirming. Fix is in place for this one, just going through testers as we speak. Same as above, we are committed to resolve these instances of WASM crashes and improve stability for all. The team is working tirelessly to that end and reports like these help in this effort. Thanks for your time and patience meanwhile!
  12. Hi, Not sure what you mean by it not working? If the OIS (EFB) Throttle Calibration page is showing movement, means its being read by the sim and aircraft. You can try to delete your 2020 A350 ThrottleData.ini file and then redoing the calibration on next launch. FS20 ThrottleData.ini file location: Steam: %APPDATA%\Microsoft Flight Simulator\Packages\inibuilds-aircraft-a350\work MS Store: %LOCALAPPDATA%\Packages\Microsoft.FlightSimulator_8wekyb3d8bbwe\LocalState\Packages\inibuilds-aircraft-a350\work Thanks!
  13. Hi @Huno This happens when you load in but the WASM has not yet initialized (so all the code that is required to control those and other systems are not functioning). You need to return to main menu and load in again, or restart the sim when this happens. In case you're having this issue consistently, please try the following Close the sim Clear your A350 WASM folder: https://forum.inibuilds.com/topic/24996-how-to-clear-the-wasm-folder/ Relaunch the sim and load into the A350 directly onto a runway at any airport. Note: The WASM will be recompiled on first launch so it is normal for it to take a long time (upto 20 mins) on initial load. For more info see https://forum.inibuilds.com/topic/25259-help-stuck-on-loading-screen-long-loading-times-on-first-launch/ Once spawned in, verify that the aircraft is running and systems operational. Exit back to main menu. Now you may do any flight you wish to conduct. It shouldn't take as long to load-in anymore for the chosen variant. Thanks!
  14. Hi @Sarmat2306 Thanks for your report. We've identified a WASM crash related certain type of traffic data when displayed on ND and team is working on a fix. Its likely the cause for your crash but please let us know if you're still experiencing crash even with XPDR on STBY. Thanks!
  15. Hi, I apologize for your experiences but unfortunately you have had a WASM crash. While some users are experiencing these more than others, there are equally many who have been able to fly without such instances since release. For more information on what a WASM crash is and how you can report it please see linked guide below. Regrettably, from our testing so far of reported crashes, very few of them are reliably reproducible as they're very case, hardware or installed packages specific instances and require close matching of conditions to reproduce. Nonetheless, we are committed to resolve these instances of WASM crashes and improve stability for all. The team is working tirelessly to that end but we also require your help. In case you experience a WASM crash, please do not close the sim immediately. Use the below guide to properly report the necessary information and reproduction steps. Also important to note, ensure you have cleared your WASM folder after an update to ensure a fresh WASM compilation. Thanks for your time and patience meanwhile!
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