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richboy2307 last won the day on December 24

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Community Answers

  1. Thanks, the difference in totals appears to be equal to the sum of fuel in the Additional Center Tanks (ACT)( i.e. 5.78+5.78=11.56t KG). Seems like it is not being taken into account on the CTR/TT readout on the overhead Fuel Quantity Indicators. Reported. Thanks!
  2. Thanks noted.
  3. Hi, I'm not able to reproduce this issue of a 0 reading, however do note that the gauge is not matching the SD ENGINE page quantities. Thanks!
  4. Thanks, was able to reproduce the issue. Noted.
  5. Hi, We've tried again on 2 separate systems, spawn cold and dark on gate at LPFR Gate 323. 10 subsequent starts (5 with Engine #1 on first, 5 with Engine #2 on first). We made sure to force a re-download of the packages as well to ensure its streamed fresh between sim restarts. Unfortunately, the issue was still not reproducible in this test. We recommend affected users to try to re-download the package, or reach out to MS Support (MSFS Forums or Zendesk) for further support in case that does not resolve the issue for you. Thanks!
  6. The Marketplace is currently not available for FS2024, as such not possible to push updates or content for FS2024 via the marketplace until then. The v1.0.4 update is only available for purchases made outside of Marketplace for the time being. Happy Holidays, Thanks!
  7. Hi @SteveS Please ensure photogrammetry is enabled, and cross check that you have uninstalled the handcrafted EGSS that comes with the worldupdate? Please refer to below video (@1m20s) for how to disable default content via the Library in FS24: Thanks!
  8. Hi thanks reported. Happy Holidays!
  9. Hi, please rest assured that the correct version is being installed. v1.0.1 FS20 is same as v1.0.0 FS24. We've asked iniManager team to look into updating the respective changelogs. You need to manually disable the handcrafted streamed scenery version of those specific airports from your library. You can see the below video for guidance (@1m21s): Thanks!
  10. Hi, Apologies for delay in response. Please note below items: The liveries are not cross-compatible across versions due differences in model structure. Liveries made for FS2020 will work for the Compatible Edition on either sim FS20/24. These liveries will not work on the Premium Edition (FS24). Liveries made for Premium Edition (FS24) will only work with that specific edition in FS24 due to the new 'modular simobject' structure used. These liveries will not work on the Compatible Edition (FS20/24) If you are downloading the liveries from the iniManager, please make sure you have installed the appropriate livery for the version of A300 you're using. This is an acknowledged core sim issue. As mentioned in the launch forum post: https://forum.inibuilds.com/topic/24363-lets-talk-inibuilds-a300-600r-airliner-updates-for-msfs2024-msfs2020/ Asobo is aware and have possibly fixed this already internally, however it is pending a public release: https://devsupport.flightsimulator.com/t/couldn-de-init-wasm-with-fsnetworkhttprequestget/11969/6 Can you please confirm that you see the ``inibuilds-aircraft-a300-600`` folder inside your custom community folder? Also ensure this custom community folder is being read as active by the sim. You can test by adding any other addon to this custom location and confirm its showing up in the sim. Thanks!
  11. Hi, Apologies for delayed response. Please see the below and let us know the results. A) If you're using FSUIPC7 - Navigate to the fsuipc-lvar-module folder, installed into the Community folder by FSUIPC installer. - Edit the FSUIPC_WASM.ini file. Ensure it reads: - For some users this value defaults to ``-15`` which causes issues such as low fps, stuttering or crash on load. B) Run with empty community folder Please try this to rule out any other addon conflicts. To run with a blank community folder without losing your addons: Rename your existing community folder to ``_Community`` Create a new ``Community`` folder in its place. Copy only the ``inibuilds-aircraft-a300-600`` folder inside it. Empty your A300 Compatible WASM Folder: Run the sim and see if same problem persists. To restore your original folder as follows: Copy the ``inibuilds-aircraft-a300-600`` folder back to ``_Community`` Delete the new ``Community`` folder you made Rename the ``_Community`` folder to ``Community`` The liveries are not cross-compatible across versions due differences in model structure. Liveries made for FS2020 will work for the Compatible Edition on either sim FS20/24. These liveries will not work on the Premium Edition (FS24). Liveries made for Premium Edition (FS24) will only work with that specific edition in FS24 due to the new 'modular simobject' structure used. These liveries will not work on the Compatible Edition (FS20/24) If you are downloading the liveries from the iniManager, please make sure you have installed the appropriate livery for the version of A300 you're using. Thanks!
  12. Hi, thanks. Reported and suggestion shared with the team. Happy Holidays!
  13. Afraid not. Does seem like right brake axis was engaged for longer than the left. Please check control bindings across all connected devices and make sure to unbind the axis/button for brakes from other devices. Thanks!
  14. The A300-600R Airliner, now available for MSFS2024 in two distinct versions. A300-600R Compatible Version (MSFS 2020 & MSFS 2024) - FREE for all previous owners A300-600R Premium Version (MSFS 2024 ONLY)- £9.99 (excl VAT) upgrade for all previous owners The Premium Edition takes advantage of MSFS2024’s advanced technology to offer a host of new features and improvements such as: Flight Model Updates Preflight Walkaround EFB Enhancements Performance & Structural Updates Sound Improvements For more information on these new features and improvements, see our announcement here: https://forum.inibuilds.com/topic/24363-lets-talk-inibuilds-a300-600r-airliner-updates-for-msfs2024-msfs2020/ Yes, as long as you purchase the Premium Edition (FS24 only) using the same iniStore account where you purchased the Compatible Edition (FS20/24), you can enjoy the upgrade price (£9.99 (excl VAT)) by using Discount Code A300-UG at checkout. You may purchase the Compatible Edition (FS20/24) for a reduced price during any of the sales. A purchase of the Premium Edition (FS24 only) grants you a license for use in FS2024 only. Thanks, Happy Holidays!
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