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Papa Golf

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Everything posted by Papa Golf

  1. So the new update, V1.0.2 seems to have fixed the issues! I've only done one 5 hour flight so far, (much less with X4 time compression :-), but the new update seems more stable and input into the FMS no longer is laggy. I did make a few other changes on my PC, so have listed those below, in case the issue was a combination of things. Updated to V1.0.2 Cleared the WASM folder Updated NVIDIA GeForece Game Ready driver to 572.70 Updated DLSS Frame Generation to 310.2.1 (DLSS already at 310.2.1) Thanks iniBuilds for rolling out these updates quickly! Update: Just completed a long second flight, this time in the -1000 (first flight was in the -900), ZSPD-EGLL, with no issues. This is the first time I've been able to do a long-haul flight in the A350 without incident, so am really pleased with V1.0.2!
  2. Similar issue for me. Everything goes well until close to TOD or during descent. Can't change view, the flight continues and can often view different pages on the FMS. I've been wondering if it's because of selecting time compression, but whatever, it happens too regularly and I won't be flying the A350 again until it's fixed, as it's so frustrating to only have been able to complete 2 short flights.
  3. I had previously joined the inibuilds Discord server, but for some reason it disappeared. I could have accidently removed it. Now when I try to rejoin the Discord server, either using the Discord link at the bottom of the inibuilds home page, or directly via this link: https://discord.gg/r8e7ZaW when clicking the invite I get "The invite link is invalid or has expired" Has anybody else had this issue? How did you fix it?
  4. Thanks for the suggestions. I already had ground traffic, etc. off. Dropped terrain and object LODs to 80, but that really only gave a gain of 2 or 3 FPS. Setting Global Rendering Quality to Low-End, the stutters/lags are minimal, but it is not really a practical solution. I removed Orbx KBUR, in case that was causing an impact, as its the only other 'mod' in the LA area, but it made no difference. It's great to hear the next patch will focus on performance. I know it took a few releases of Heathrow to get performance humming and I'm confident you'll sort it for LAX too! If there's anything else you want to know about my 'problematic' setup, that might help identify possible causes, just get in touch.
  5. I'm also getting stutters and lag. The FPS readings below are using the PMDG B738 parked at Terminal 4 - 46B with clear skies at 4 p.m. local time. Asobo KLAX - No AI Traffic iniScene KLAX - No AI Traffic Asobo KLAX - with AI Traffic IniScene KLAX - with AI Traffic I also gave iniScene EGLL and don't have any lags or stutters using it... (PMDG 738 with clear skies at 4 p.m. local time) iniScene EGLL - No AI Traffic iniScene EGLL - With AI Traffic Specs are i7-8700K CPU @ 3.70GHX, Nvidia GTX 1080 running latest Game Ready drivers, 32GB RAM, Fast SSDs. AI Traffic is latest version of FSLTL and I've set IFR flights to 50. I've got mods etc, but MSFS runs smoothly elsewhere, even airport like FlyTampa KLAS. I appreciate other people in this thread are getting better frame rates with iniScene KLAX than Asobo KLAX, so are there any further suggestions on changes those of us who are getting poor performance could make? MSFS graphic settings and NVIDIA settings below...
  6. @xChris93 I have MSFS Premium edition and updating to EGLL V1.2 didn't fix the ILS 09 L/R, but following your instructions has worked for my installation. Thank you very much for taking the time to list these steps. It's great to be able to have a fully-working Heathrow! Hopefully iniBuilds will be able to address this in the next release.
  7. I also got the same error. However, in my case it was my issue, as I use MSFS Addons Linker and had created a link for iniScene Heathrow. I removed the link from the MSFS Community folder and then did a fresh install, which worked without an issues. It would be great if the iniManager installer could recognise that it has already downloaded the install file successfully rather than always do a new download. It would also be useful if error messages didn't just flash up on the screen for only a few seconds. It took me 3 attempts to screenshot the attached.
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