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  1. After one year I did the topic, are there any news on that?...the bug still exist!......please see the attached file (even with the answer from ini) Cheers, Chris
  2. Indeed. I should have better google first...... Thanks.
  3. As of my point of view the jet blast deflector stands in the wrong way....please see the attached picture Cheers, Chris
  4. That means you are not going to update the nose down look? You develop new airplanes and you con not correct this............ This is ridiculous.
  5. I have never experience those problems, either. I am pretty sure, while we are flying, MS/Asobo does something in the background which cause some kind if problems. I do see sometimes some different behavior of the Sim. within a couple of hours. I do not think this problems are related to the A300. Cheers, Chris
  6. Thanks, where can I find the topic?
  7. The pilots avatar are missing in the outside view with the Freighter PW version. With the Freighter GE version they are "on board". Even after I reinstalled the aircraft. Did I miss something? Can anyone confirm this? Cheers, Chris
  8. For me it works. Sometimes I can not contact clearance delivery for the firs time. But I did find a good solution. 1. Contact clearance delivery......if they respond....go ahead with the communication 2. If clearance delivery do not respond, wait for a few second and hit the say again button, then they respond as they should or go to the right side VHF COMM panel and push the TFR switch to the right and back to the left and then contact clearance delivery again..... Hope this will work for the others Cheers, Chris
  9. Pretty same here. Heat blur effect on APU do not stop after the APU was shut down.
  10. Thank for the quick respond. I will wait for an update. Hopefully soon.
  11. The solution can not be to buy and use additional software to make this aircraft work! If the other developer can do it e.g. PMDG and so on, why INI can not? I would like to get the fix from the devs.
  12. No, I do not use SU15 beta. How did you switch back to A300 1.0.5? Cheers, Chris
  13. Again, same here.
  14. Same here. iniBuilds: Could you please take a look at it............. and do a hotfix. But please do not let us wait so long this time. The aircraft can not be used with this problem. It started after 1.0.8
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