I like the idea of this post, but I think you need to investigate a little before reporting all of these as bugs or issues. I have no problems with contrails in 2020. The rain effect when wiping has been removed, but I believe ini have said they are working on implementing that. I don't have any issues with my AP Disconnect Sound. I press the Disconnect Button on my hardware twice and have never had problems. Are you sure the screen response is bad? Sometimes I need to click the screen once or twice for it to receive the input, but if you have your cursor on another screen, say the MailBox, and are trying to change MFD Settings, the cursor will need to jump to the MFD, resulting in a slight delay. Clicking which screen you want on the KCCU before inputting may help. The Beacon Light removing GPU can be changed in the OIS. Are you using the recommended Sensitivity Settings? I'm not saying the aircraft is perfect, and you raise a lot of valid points, but reading the manual, Discord, and this Forum can help with some of your issues. Fixes are coming.