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  1. And yet you missed the first part of my post, the part that answered one of your complaints by simply reading the manual, you're welcome. One of the problems with text based forums is that they are two dimensional and sometimes what one person considers friendly can come across as condescending and aggressive, especially when you demand " This bug (or"feature"?) should be removed asap. NOT YET TESTED " your words, not mine. Once again, you may want to consider your tone/approach. Just as a suggestion, use ChatGPT or similar to rephrase the post in a friendly and formal manner, you might be surprised at the small changes made that affect how it may be interpreted by others.
  2. Page 43 in the manual, turn off the AUTO GPU DISCO option. I prefer it on, makes sense to me. You may want to adjust your tone a little, you are coming across as demanding and agressive. You may or may not have some flight time, although I don't know how many hours are in an A350, but it is obvious that you aren't a programmer. I've completed a dozen flights and I'm happy with the money spent, there are issues, yes, but I'm confident that they will be addressed. Oh and I get more WASM problems with aircraft from another supplier that begins with P!
  3. probably the nose gear retracting directly beneath the flight deck - pretty sure you can turn this off in the options menus
  4. balus

    Pushback problem

    so a GSX update and an inBuilds update and all seems to be working.
  5. balus

    Pushback problem

    Thanks, but the tug doesn't turn up, if I turn off the parking brake I get a message to turn it on again so I doubt that it is bindings
  6. balus

    Pushback problem

    Anyone having an issue with pushback? I am using remote GSX and when I remove chocks, GPU and turn the beacon on I select Pushback from the remote GSX menu in the EFP, I choose the operator, the wing walkers appear and that's it, nothing more. So I disabled the remote GSX and tried to use the pushback option in the EFB, says it's working, but the aircraft doesn't move. Now I tired the Shift P option and still nothing. If I turn the parking brake off when using GSX I get the GSX message to set brakes. Not sure if this is a GSX, iniBuilds or a me problem, most likely the latter 🙂
  7. As the title says.
  8. Have an A380 parked at gate 640, use GSX to operate the jetway, I get a message that the gate has a default jetway, and then an operating message, but the jetway doesn't move. GSX is fully updated and OMAA has been excluded in the config. What am I missing?
  9. Can anyone using a Logitech yoke share their sensitivity settings, mine seems to be overly sensitive with the A300.
  10. Reinstalled MSFS, unable to load inManager, uninstalled and removed appdata entries, reinstalled, get to the enter login details and it won't accept credentials. I can login via the web with no problems, reset the password, no change. Why can I not access the software that I have purchased?
  11. balus

    Elevation issue

    ok, problem resolved, and it wasn't an inibuilds issue. Before purchasing I had another KDTW from flightsim.to installed and forgot all about it - it didn't show up in the Marketplace when I was checking for duplicates, it was just buried in the Community folder, why does everything have to go in the same folder? So while I was starting my troubleshooting process to work out if I had a conflicting addon causing the problem I found it, deleted it and now the issue is resolved. Thanks to all who assisted, you may now call me Richard Cranium!
  12. balus

    Elevation issue

    ok so renaming the Community Folder and creating a new one then copying the scenery over, well zipping it up and unzipping it since MS doesn't like Community folders that aren't on C drive, the scenery is ok. So does this mean that I have another scenery package that is conflicting, not sure how that could happen, but then again I'm not a scenery designer.
  13. balus

    Elevation issue

    No, that didn't work, and I have the rolling cache turned off. If anything it has made it worse, the taxiway's are all over the place.
  14. balus

    Elevation issue

    just checked and Photogrammatery is on
  15. balus

    Elevation issue

    pretty sure it is on, will check when I get home. yes the issue does persist as I get closer, in fact I hit it and couldn't taxi past, had to slew which just so much fun in MSFS no other DTW scenery installed - do I need to disable the default and how would I do that if I did?
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