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A400M PWR RATING explanation

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Some settings in here for PWR RATING I can't quite understand what it is and/or what it's used for

LNC, MIL OPS and LFI is what I'm lost with



Hi @qwe

As you can imagine, with this being an active military aircraft the information available is sparse, but from what we know:

  • Max Continuous Thrust (MCT) is available and auto when One Engine INOP(OEI) but never used when 4 engines operative.
  • Low Noise Cruise (LNC) is only used in cruise for comfort (lower RPM%). 
  • DTO and MIL OP are INOP.
  • Low Flight Idle (LFI) for STEEP APP usually in tactical arrivals.


You always takeoff in TOGA then when PWR MCL flashes, you got o MCL detent and it basically just stays there for the rest of the flight unless you take over manual power control.


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Vrishabh Sehgal @Richboy2307 )
Community Team Member & Tester
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