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MU-2: Where to start?


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The MU-2 is a nice looking aeroplane, and one I enjoyed in FSX/P3D and XP.

Compared with the others, the MSFS INIBuilds MU-2 is not so good.

Rotation comes too late and it’s hard to unstick.

Like the notorious real world aircraft, the IB MU-2 handling is full of horrific vices but seemingly worse than any other simulated MU-2.

The AP is hard to interact with; reading labels is impossible, and the master on/off impossible to click from the P1 view. Please duplicate some click-spots elsewhere on the panel.

The cockpit textures are very poor.

There is no IB forum section for this aircraft but nevertheless I hope IB will update it.

Where to start? I’ll start by not starting it until it’s fixed…

Edited by Fab10
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