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A30F banks to left all the time


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after a complete re-install I have a re-occuring issue with the aircraft banking to the left. I had the same issue previously but resolved with a complete re-install. It has now come back and the right aileron is in a constant right up to compensate for the left bank. It seems to be a bug that re-surfaces again with no resolve at this stage. Any ideas to overcome this would be greatly appreciated. See attached pictures for more detail. Rudder is in neutral position. This happens with auto tiller setting on and off. Also all assistance options are turned off.

2024-01-26 19_19_35-_2024_01_26_19_18_01_Microsoft_Flight_Simulator_1.35.21.0_with_WideServer_waitin.png

2024-01-26 19_22_26-_2024_01_26_19_21_31_Microsoft_Flight_Simulator_1.35.21.0_with_WideServer_waitin.png

Edited by Fartherbranch55
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