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Please change parking type from 'GATE SMALL' to 'RAMP_GA LARGE'


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Currently, the parkings Gate 1-12 are defined as type 'Gate small'. The sim thinks this parking is a gate with a jetway and therefore no stairs option is available from the ATC menu... Can you please change these to RAMP_GA Large? The rest can remain as is. So only a type change.


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After landing I found that ATC instructs me to taxi to General Aviation parking... So instead of what I said above also the name of the parking is currently 'Parking' but should be named 'Gate':


Schermafbeelding 2023-11-25 220450.png

Schermafbeelding 2023-11-25 220655.png


Schermafbeelding 2023-11-25 220815.png

Edited by Erik
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  • 7 months later...

Hello iniBuilds!

I recently added EGHI to my nearly complete collection of iniBuilds airports for MSFS. 

I finally "flew in" tonight and upon landing in my PMDG 737, there was no ATC "Taxi to gate" option; just "Taxi to parking" (which only applies to GA), along with the other take options, etc.  

Can I ask for your help with this?  I saw it mentioned above in November of last year, but see no change with the latest version available.  

I appreciate your help and time!  This is a great realism enhancement!

Best Regards,

Retired 40+ year aviation & MSFS! 

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