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I was also getting a little bit of stuttering from the start, then extreme performance degradation after 2 hours, which became unplayable at 2hrs 13min. Have attached a picture of my display setup, as displays and lighting tend to be the most common cause of performance degradation in an aircraft.


Also for reference; R5 5600X / RTX 3060 / 16GB RAM, 3.9k total hours in MSFS - Sim was using a normal amount of memory and cpu usage throughout.


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Hi, two days ago i bought the Kwikflight Spirit, in general works fine in my PC but it has a lot of sttutering in every scenary i play, independet of the comlplexity of that scenery, my modest specs are:

Processor Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-6500 CPU @ 3.20GHz
Video Card NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1660
Operating System Windows 10

But with other pay wares and complex airplanes like PMDG 737-800, A310, MD-83 and a long long etc. everything runs smoot without sttutering at all.

Thanks in advance for your advices.

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i have the same issue. i did a 3 hour flight and it occurred at random times throughout the entire flight (this was on a stream with 3 total B2's flying together in formation). i turned some screens off and it made it a little less impactful but the random stutters were still there. still a great aircraft, just need to sort out the stutters and whats causing them. 

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