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EGLL not loading


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I have purchased the EGLL scenry addon via the in-built MSFS store, isntalled it and now the EGLL scenery is not loading. When I spawn at the airport I just see jetways no buildings.

I have tried removing ASOBO EGLL as I have deluxe MSFS but that did not help and I have also tried cleaing MSFS cache and still no luck.

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Could you please delete the contents of your SceneryIndexes folder and try again? You can find that folder here:



C:\Users\yourname\AppData\Local\Packages\Microsoft.FlightSimulator_8wekyb3d8bbwe\LocalCache\SceneryIndexes or wherever you have the Microsoft.FlightSimulator_8wekyb3d8bbwe file located if not on your C drive.



C:\Users\yourname\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft Flight Simulator\SceneryIndexes

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I have Steam MSFS edition so I went to the appropriate folder and removed all the files found in the SceneryIndexes.

Following that I have started MSFS again and went straight ahead to load a plane at EGLL. Still same issue is observed, nothing changed.

Edited by nicesub
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16 hours ago, nicesub said:


I forgot to mention that this is fresh install of MSFS so I don't have much stuff in the community folder as you can see below:image.png.52ce457ef639bbcac0e2c2cb990e6288.png

Do you think is still necessary to remove all addons as I just got them dialed in? 

No need to remove them, just rename the Community Folder to "CommunityX" or whatever and that should unload them. With those addons in there its unlikely, but worth a try for the time it takes 🙂 

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Still no luck.

Steps that I performed during this test:

- Loaded MSFS and selected default craft and airport

- Went back to the menu and made sure that the cache is clear

- Closed MSFS and removed SceneryIndex

- Renamed Community folder to disable so far installed addons

- Went back in MSFS and tried to load EGLL with default craft and the issue still persists

Also I head that you guys release V3 EGLL but it did not show up in the built in store and no update was offered to me yet.

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