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Everything posted by Chris3DX

  1. Just happened to me as well, on the latest version on the A300, using the PW engine variant. I was on the ground at SDF, was in the process of putting in the departure which was EEVAA1 out of 35L. When i clicked on the button scroll down on the list of RWY's and SID's. The FMC went tits up and froze as well as the rest of the plane, EFB was the only thing working. I could hear the switches but nothing was happening. Gave it a few minutes incase it recovered but nothing. Am also on Navigraph's 2409 version 1, scenery is FSDT Louisville.
  2. Anyone who have stumbled upon or have made a profile for the A310 by any chance? be it on Simbrief or for PFPX. I know Simbrief got like a standard A310 profile. But its only for the Passanger variant and not the freighter 😞 - Chris
  3. I have the same issue you have Clearfortakeoff, i too have FPS issues when flying the A300, even when am not flying into a populated or detailed airport, my FPS tanks and can barely maintain 20, now it might be my PC telling me to upgrade, but i dont have these issues when am flying lets say the FF or Toliss. Now i got the A310, and wow, my FPS is like solid 40+ the whole flight from start to finish, which is amazing for me, since i do like the A300. But when you can barely use it when in the air, it sorta drives me away from flying in it.
  4. Can confirm, i am unable too download the fedex pack as well, keep getting the following error msg when trying.
  5. Am wondering the same, where did the profile go?
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