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Tony Vallillo

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Tony Vallillo last won the day on February 15 2021

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Community Answers

  1. Freedielaker2 has a point - why not include some of that Kennedy Steve audio as a recording that could be played in lieu of Vatsim!
  2. I have had the same thing you describe happen on occasion, but not always. Most of the time the Bravo "gear up" movement brings the handle and the gear up. If the gear handle does not go to "off" on its own, I set it that way with the mouse. From "off" to "down" the Bravo is used. When it works, it works!
  3. Check in your inimanager - I don't think it is out just yet.........
  4. Hardly a "good guess", being about half a world off! They have this sort of contest over at Flightsim.com, and it is always fun!
  5. Way too little to go by, really! All I can say for sure is that it is NOT Manhattan, London, or Paris. Looks a bit like that part of San Diego that you fly over after takeoff on 27, where the military cemetery is. But if this is a sunrise instead of a sunset, all bets are off...
  6. I can't answer your question directly, but I should point out that the A-300-600 does NOT have the same throttle setup as the A-320 series (or 330 or 340, etc). Although they don't look exactly like those on the Boeings, they work the same; that is, there are no throttle "notches", and the throttles move freely. This is not a setup like the 320, where the throttles do not move in full auto - here, they do move when autothrottle is engaged, just like any of the airplanes like the Boeings or the DC-10. So in actuality, the TCA may not be the most realistic choice, although I'm sure they would work fine. I don't know how much there is in the TCA in the way of the detents that the 320 series have, but they would be irrelevant in an A-300 setup. The Bravo throttle quadrant with the add-on for the Airbus might look a bit more like the throttles on the A300 than those little china-doll-size boeing throttles that come with it, and that may be a more visually realistic choice.... And the Bravo does not have detents, which is also more realistic.
    Yet another excellent rendition of a tail number that is in my logbook! This is the way the airplane appeared when we originally got them, back in the late 1980's. Not sure why they were painted grey all over, while the rest of the fleet was the famous polished aluminum. It was, at first, quite jarring to see an AA airplane in other than its' birthday suit! But we got used to it, and grew to like the "Grey Ghost". It was after I got qualified on it, around the early to mid 1990's, that we stripped the grey paint from them and polished them up. Strange to say, it was a bit odd once again, so accustomed to the grey look had we become! I never knew for sure why the grey paint was applied in the beginning. I have always suspected that it may have had something to do with the fact that the first 25 we got were on what amounted to a rent-a-plane deal, not unlike renting a car; as opposed to the typical long term capital lease arrangements that financed the majority of the world's airliners. Since we could return them, had we so desired, on little more than a 30 day notice, I imagine that whoever actually owned them and rented them to us may have wanted them already painted, the better to offer them to other operators. I suspect that the original rental deal was converted later into a long term lease, and after that it may have been more acceptable to do with them what we wanted. The paint weighed hundreds of pounds, and in an era when olives were being removed from martinis in first class, and magazines from seatbacks in all classes, maybe they were after a bit of fuel savings.
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    Very nice rendition of my office for 9 years!
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  7. That looks very good. Natural metal is difficult to model, at least in any approximation to what it looks like in real life. The modern capability of these sims to reproduce specular reflections and that "silver surfer" look is interesting, but by and large does not represent what polished aluminum looks like in the real world, at least at the airline level when it only gets polished once a year or so. Each individual panel often has different appearance. It looks like you have done a better job here than merely having it look like something out of a Marvel movie! The best renditions of AA liveries go back to FS9, when they were cobbled together out of actual photos and did not actually reflect anything. But your effort shown here is very good indeed and I look forward to it. I was also assured that there would be a rendition of the original grey painted AA version. That would be much easier, of course. We got so used to that scheme back in the day that it was actually somewhat disconcerting when we stripped them and polished them in the mid 90's!
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