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Patrick C.

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Everything posted by Patrick C.

  1. Not sure if the problem is generaly fixed now. Started the sim, set date to 22nd of december and loaded the A310. The plane loaded up normal with all displays. Than I set to real time and the plane still looked normal. Don't have the time to test further today, so now I'm wondering too if its only because the plane was loaded with sim date 22nd december or if the plane is fixed.
  2. Hi I noticed, if selecting the seat belt or no smoking switch does not get the „Ding“sound. Kind Regards Patrick
  3. Patrick C.

    TERR Radar

    Hi Thank you for bringing this outstanding plane to MSFS. I still hope, you one day will include the TERR Radar [in the A310] as well. Even if it's the simple TERR Radar of MSFS as almost all planes have this future included. Kind Regards Patrick
  4. Will this also affect the Release of the A300 or do you have an idea how long MS will need to implement it (.i.e. hours or days?] Kind Regards Patrick
  5. Dear Kevin Thanks, but I mean the Scenery not the DL. Kind Regards Patrick
  6. Hi Can you tell me, where I can get the Lansing Scenery for which the Dyn. Light had been done ? Kind Regards Patrick
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