Hi folks,
I'm surprised more people haven't seemed to mention the control behaviours on the ground and in flight - the nosewheel steering, rudder during takeoff roll and pitch and roll in flight are all unbelievably jerky and weightless, just as the default MSFS aircraft. Also, like the default MSFS aircraft in 20 & 24, this aircraft is currently demonstrating absolutely bizarre behaviours in a crosswind. I did an approach into Brussels today on VATSIM with 6 knot crosswind and the aircraft was crabbing, wing down, like it was a 50kt wind, and was uncontrollable. Had to disconnect. I have my controls set according to the inibuilds recommendations. These control issues were also something that payware addons had in 2020, but I don't ever remember it being this pronounced.
Also, I'm sure you're aware of it already, but the aircraft is not achieving the target airspeed in managed speed, and when I get to the TOC, every time, the aircraft has remained with climb thrust on and it goes into overspeed.
I am sad to say that this addon is basically unflyable for me at the moment, but I want to support you folks and think it has real potential, so I'm not going to get my knickers in a twist asking for refunds etc. I might just wait a few months for it to be properly updated. Every flight I've done so far in 2020 or 2024 has crashed or something else. I really can't hide my huge disappointment, however.