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Everything posted by dfr997

  1. dfr997

    A350 not loading

    Sorry I didn't see the post just below this one with the same problem; if you could merge or just delete, that would be great. Thanks
  2. dfr997

    A350 not loading

    Hi folks, I cleared the WASM before updating to 1.0.2 as instructed but now my A350 is not loading into the simulator - I'm just stuck on that top-down screen looking down at the location you've chosen to start from and an 'ESC Back' legend on the bottom left and a whirring circle bottom right. I have uninstalled, run the sim, reinstalled, still nothing doing. Have also tried clearing community folder and putting things back one after the other. All fine until the A350 is installed, and then the A350 won't start. Does anyone have any ideas? Many thanks all
  3. Not only do the other payware addons in 2024 not have this problem, but I can see the jerkiness on the takeoff roll in every streamer’s video I’ve seen thus far. There is nothing wrong with my hardware and it is configured exactly as inibuilds recommend.
  4. Hi folks, I'm surprised more people haven't seemed to mention the control behaviours on the ground and in flight - the nosewheel steering, rudder during takeoff roll and pitch and roll in flight are all unbelievably jerky and weightless, just as the default MSFS aircraft. Also, like the default MSFS aircraft in 20 & 24, this aircraft is currently demonstrating absolutely bizarre behaviours in a crosswind. I did an approach into Brussels today on VATSIM with 6 knot crosswind and the aircraft was crabbing, wing down, like it was a 50kt wind, and was uncontrollable. Had to disconnect. I have my controls set according to the inibuilds recommendations. These control issues were also something that payware addons had in 2020, but I don't ever remember it being this pronounced. Also, I'm sure you're aware of it already, but the aircraft is not achieving the target airspeed in managed speed, and when I get to the TOC, every time, the aircraft has remained with climb thrust on and it goes into overspeed. I am sad to say that this addon is basically unflyable for me at the moment, but I want to support you folks and think it has real potential, so I'm not going to get my knickers in a twist asking for refunds etc. I might just wait a few months for it to be properly updated. Every flight I've done so far in 2020 or 2024 has crashed or something else. I really can't hide my huge disappointment, however.
  5. dfr997

    Current issues

    Hi folks, Did my first proper line flight in the A350 today, which ended at TOC because the cockpit systems & displays froze (the sim didn't). I believe inibuilds are aware of the issue but I suspect I'll ahve to delay use of the addon until it's addressed. Other things I don't think are right: + enroute segment winds not uplinking (clb & descent does, seemingly) + aircraft not maintaining/achieving target speed in managed speed + pressing recall not bringing up 'NORMAL' status legend + sounds are really badly blended - it sounds like someone is playing them individually on a tape recorder behind me + sec f-pln can't seemingly be inserted or edited, and the 'what if' function isn't working + performance is very bad on my system, which is fairly beefy and copes with all other hi-fi addons pretty well + taxying and ground behaviour on t/o roll jumpy and awkward, just like the default MSFS aircraft + very strange behaviour after getting airborne where I couldn't follow the flight director commanded pitch until about 500ft + turning on the beacon automatically disconnects the EXT PWR - if that mirrors the logic in the RW aircraft, I stand to be corrected, but I do doubt it and I can't see any reference to that in the manuals I have + can't hear any cabin announcements, at least in the VIR livery with UK selected I certainly think this addon looks beautiful and has a lot to speak for it, and I never want to discourage developers and contributors to our hobby; I must say, though, folks, I'm a little surprised at the current state of it, considering it has gone through beta testing. Nevertheless, I'm sure these things will be ironed out and mad props for what you have achieved thus far.
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  6. This has just happened to me too. Appears to be happening to 2024 users too.
  7. Hi folks, I have yet to fly a full flight in this aircraft but I'm very impressed with what I've seen so far - certainly never seen this level of immersion in a freeware addon before. Just as a tiny point - the whining of the Y ELEC PUMP cannot be heard from outside, but can be heard when you turn the fuel pumps on. Have the two been confused? Not a criticism folks, I'm very impressed and can't wait to do my first scheduled flight in this thing.
  8. Hi folks, I see you have an exclude file for the JustSim ELLX amongst many others. I have just noticed, much to my considerable chagrin, that the scenery has a very bad fault on it that means if you are on the correct glidepath for rwy 06, you hit an invisible hill in the scenery that means the aircraft slams into the ground. I don't really know what an exclude file is; will this file help to eliminate this irritating problem? Thank you folks - you have built up a presence here that is enormously valuable to the simming world. Take care
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