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Everything posted by rstwx

  1. Hi! At the moment, I have this problem: I don't have any throttles in real life, and I use the F1, F2, F3 keys. For example, on the A320NEO FBW, when using the F3 key, I slowly increase the thrust of the engines and can easily increase it a little for taxi. But when I try to do this on the A350, the thrust immediately switches to Climb mode, and only then it can be slowly increased to Flex or TO/GA. Also, when landing the aircraft, after turning on the reverse, I cannot move the throttles to the Idle position by pressing the F1 key, instead the throttles are moved to half reverse. How can I fix it? All the binds are set, the throttle regulation was also correct.
  2. Hi! When I try to enter my destination in "Init", no matter which airport I enter, a message appears from below: "AIRPORT NOT IN DATA BASE". Why?
  3. rstwx

    Installation on MSFS

    Yes it will! Just a name of the pack.
  4. same here! ive been waiting for 2 hours to load and nothing happened.
  5. rstwx

    endless loading

    Hello! The problem with endless loading. I read an article saying that it can take up to 20 minutes due to WASM file downloads, but my loading has been going on for about an hour and is not going to stop! Is this normal? Or is it some kind of system error?
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