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  1. The OP wasnt pressing “SET ZFW” after importing his simbrief flightplan. Unfortunately this doesn’t work for me as mentioned above. You may have the same problem i do.
  2. GSX won’t load passengers. Even with gsx integration off Im struggling to load payload. I can load fuel instantly, but when i click on set ZFW, the plane loads passengers and cargo, but then instantly returns back to 0 for everything. Help!
  3. Mine resets back to zero. Doesn’t matter how many times i press set ZFW, it always zeros everything back out. Any ideas?
  4. xwind007

    VV button

  5. xwind007

    VV button

    Dumb question……but i can’t find it in the manual. Anyone know what the VV button does? It’s next to the LS button on the efis control panel
  6. Thanks for the feedback. For us MSFS 2020 guys, do we need to log out of navigraph charts too (it’s not working anyway)?
  7. Same here….using MSFS2020. I authorized navigraph charts but just like everyone else, to no avail.
  8. Same here…..using MSFS2020. I departed KLAX heading for KATL…..i was climbing thru fl260 when i noticed the screens were not reacting to the mouse curser. It was then that i realized the PFD was frozen, as was the MFD. i went thru the flight deck pressing buttons and none of them were reactive. The aircraft continued to fly, although I’m not sure it followed the route as i couldn’t track since everything was frozen. Any advice on how to fix?
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