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  1. I understand that but what is the point keeping it on the AUTO if you are not going to use it at specific condition? Just switch it to Auto when you want to use it. At the end of the day, auto selection is not there to automatically enable/disable it, it's there to adjust time compression level when it is activated.
  2. No, I disagree with this one. Sometimes I am using it for accelerate the boarding to save some time and this is also valid for all other aircrafts like pmdg. If you don't want to use this function on the ground simply change the time compression from auto to off in the OIS.
  3. It shows the other side OIS. Instead of toggling between the pages you can open charts on one OIS and OFP on the other one and switch easily between them with just one button for example
  4. I am checking the OIS before starting to flight and if there is any QR code there, I am restarting the flight and check the OIS again. Works for me every time so far. PS: Normally even though there is a QR code there to sign in, I am not doing anything except restart the flights. Most of the time it is automatically logged in when I started again. If not then I am entering the code and then restart the flight.
  5. Same here, all systems are frozen around FL174 and therefore aircraft was not following the routes etc. I was able to fly it manually but of course no guidance neither on PFD nor on ND. This is my maybe 25th flight with this aircraft, second one after latest update, there were no major issue so far except for the cabin announcements which is not deal breaker.
  6. Will try it, thank you.
  7. This button normally transmits your voice to the cabin, when you press and hold it you can make announcement to the cabin, it shouldn't affect the hearing under normal conditions. But I tried anyway, doesn't work again. When you press it, it disables your microphone for vhf1 as well.
  8. I am pressing PA button as habit from fslabs back in P3D days.. Before starting APU and boarding, during setting the ground frequency, after loading the aircraft from EFB. It lights up in my PC. But I am not able to hear anything. I understand that announcement behavior is changing from person to person in this case. Therefore, not pressing the PA button is not only reason.
  9. I am pressing PA button as habit from fslabs back in P3D days.. Before starting APU and boarding, during setting the ground frequency, after loading the aircraft from EFB. It lights up in my PC. But I am not able to hear anything. I understand that announcement behavior is changing from person to person in this case. Therefore, not pressing the PA button is not only reason.
  10. Thanks a lot 🙂
  11. I am using both 900 and 1000 variants. Already made more then 10 flights. By the way, I didn't use third party liveries, all of them were downloaded via inimanager.
  12. Thanks for feedback but I can hear the announcement if I switch the cam to the cabin, but nothing when I came back to cockpit. Therefore it is not related with it for me unfortunately
  13. Always doing it during preliminary preperations but still not hearing anything.
  14. ekosif

    MCDU click lag

    I solved it by zooming in a bit more to MCDU. If you try from far away, it is very hard but working very well for me if you get closer.
  15. No, you can hear on 2020 as well if you change the camera to the cabin. I am not able to hear anything from cockpit so far.
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