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  1. The A350-1000 only has one sharklet variant, which is why you cannot select any other option.
  2. The positions of the GSX vehicles for the lavatory service and the water service are still not correct. Since the update, however, the Jetway docks correctly to door 1L. When I want to refuel the plane via GSX, I always get a selection with different fuel quantities, but when I select one, nothing happens. Likewise, many more passengers are boarded by GSX than in my Simbrief flight plan. Can someone tell me how exactly I have to proceed to load the plane via GSX. I have uploaded the flight plan in EFB and the Loadsheet.
  3. Same here!
  4. Turn OFF Auto-Trim in Sim Settings
  5. Sorry I mean Auto Trim!
  6. Turn OFF Auto-Rudder in Sim Settings, this solves the out of range T.O THS error
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