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  1. I wanted to set up a HOLD L now. It will not save. The change of inbound cours saves, but turn direction reverts to R.
  2. Fabo.sk

    Camera stuck

    Thanks. That helped.
  3. Fabo.sk

    Camera stuck

    So for the third time, randomly (?) the camera is stuck on my A350 before even departing... no camera controls work except the Flow switching between cameras. No mouse, no controls, no drone, just stuck in one place. First time it happened, I closed the sim and started again. Second time, it happened during boarding and just unstuck itself when boarding finished, somehow? I was using GSX. Then it happened again just as I was trying to set up pushback... and doesn't come undone whatever I do
  4. The name of the field is confusing and ambiguous. The SimBrief Account Options have multiple fields, none of which matches: Alias (Username) - this is what most addons use, including iniManager Pilot ID - which A350 uses, but note how it says pilot not user Original Username even E-mail which is the username you use to log in these days...
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