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Everything posted by August-King

  1. Shame 😕
  2. Understood, However an actual performance calculator would be more useful in enabling a wider variety of runways across all weight regimes
  3. Not sure if possible, with the information available from Antonov, But a take-off and landing performance calculator relative to the runway in use and meteorological conditions would be great! -225 doesn’t derate thrust for take-off so it would be a simple can/can’t take-off within margins type deal. Allows simmers to ‘realistically’ use the -225 at more airfields and nearer its envelope limit.
  4. Good to know! I wonder what that wishlist looks like by now...
  5. Would it be possible to make the sun visors on capt and fo side function? maybe even openable windows... Last step in immersion considering the fans work. On the topic of miscelany, are there plans to integrate navigraph into the efb for pc users? once the issues on navigraph's end are sorted.
  6. I've seen the community manager carefuly take notes of the issues and complaints users have had so far on initial release, which is lovely to see. However, I'm wondering if inibuilds plans to support/update the -225 in a fashion similar to its payware products, or if it is seen as a package a little more distant from the ini brand?
  7. Estas usando el Beta? Podrias intentar revertir al stable, aver si ayuda... (Are you using Beta, you could try reverting to stable, see if it helps...)
  8. Is it even possible in msfs?
  9. Do the animations not work or do the switches simply not do anything?
  10. Yes, but in the words of 737NG Driver, that would be cheating 😂
  11. On that, in the original Dev stream when the -225 premiered Pavlo from Antonov spoke to more "surprises" coming to MSFS from this new partnering across ini, Microsoft and Asobo. I'm not asking for aircraft types or dates, but I am curious if there are any plans for ini to continue engaging with Antonov aircraft? Coming from someone fascinated by Eastern European Aviation!
  12. The videos are an excellent idea, like the ones available for the a310, they can walk us through the actual 'flows' of the aircraft, plus Cameron's voice is lovely.
  13. Would the WX radar occupy the currently unused screen to the left of the GNS530? Or is that screen supposed to serve some other purpose?
  14. I mean, I think the most relevant one would be a 'ready to start' state, with all electrical, hydraulic, and fuel pump systems set for start such that only the auto-start procedure is left to the player. I'm not sure if APU's should be left to the player or not, I don't know if they are only used for start and how often the 225 has access to ground power, your discretion there. This is mostly to adress how long it can take to setup a flight plan on the 530. You could also fork the currently available state into 'ready to taxi' and 'ready for takeoff', where flaps, speedbrakes, and ext. lights are set accordingly, but this is much more miscelaneous.
  15. Any possibility of adding more panel states than just the one available right now?
  16. Anyone know where to acces the aircraft.cfg for the 225? It's not in the usual place 🤔
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