Hi to everyone, today I took my inibuilds A350 on a flight from Dubai to Mumbai on MSFS2020. The first part of the flight went smoothly, but as I was climbing trough FL240 something strange happened. It looked like the sim was frozen, but not really frozen. Basically I could change view, rotate the camera, even interact with the fisical switches and knobs in the cockpit. However the aircraft wasn't moving through space and I could not interact with of the screens and no matter what I did with the switches, the screen were not responding, they just kept showing the last frame from before the problem arose. It was like the aircraft went on a semi-active pause. I tried pressing "ESC" two times, I tried pausing the sim and I pausing, I tried going into active pause and back to play, I even tried pausing and un pausing the simulation from developer options. Nothing seemed to have an effect. This left me quite perplexed as it obv was not a sim crash, but at the same time I couldn't do anything to restart the sim. At the time I had pause at TOD active and set at 100 NM but I was far further than 100NM from the TOD (like 1000NM).I've done another 2/3 flights with the aircraft before this event and never had this problem. However this was the first flight with Version 1.0.2. Has anyone experienced the same issue? Does anyone know how to fix this in case it should happen again?