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  1. This little mod is available here: https://flightsim.to/file/90424/iinibuild-t-33-real-size-pilots
  2. @Eddie Did some tweaking myselve and can increase the pilot size to a better ratio, without any clipping so far i can see.
  3. Hiya, The pilots in the T-33 still look very out of place (small) which make the whole aircraft look too large. Is there any progress made to solved this issue? Maybe design own pilots (besides the default Aboso Avatars) like other developer do. Hope you have some news! Kind regards, Marcel
  4. Any pointers on this? Is it a separate decal-sheet? Main problem with the -200 version, the UV-mapping around door 4 and the aft fuselage is warped and a bit messy. Marcel
  5. This is indeed something gone wrong "in translation" the flaps setting for take-off is 31.5 degree and so 70%. (Not as now 30% meaning only 13.5 degrees) @richboy2307 Something for a upcoming update? 🙂
  6. Yes please!!!
  7. Hi, Question: on which model-files can the new decal textures be used? Only the "white" one or also on the other ones? Request: the bottom and the top of the fuselage (and canopy) are not covered in 1 of the 6 sheets. Possible to add these, for example to the fuselage one? (sorry we repainters ask a lot 😊) Marcel
  8. Believe in real-life one needle is couple to NAV1/ILS and the other needle to the TACAN mode. Also in the classic panel you only have NAV1 and TACAN. Would nice to have this functional. 😇 About the tool-tips, fear i use this the legacy mode. Is it possible to also include a "old style" tool-tip with the current value? Would also be handy for the other controls of the COM1, NAV1 and transponder.
  9. Hiya, I seem the pilots figures are a bit larger, think they can be still a bit larger. "Biggest" thing that still stand out is they sit way too low. The helmet should almost touch the upper side of the canopy, should be a little bit above the edge of the headrest, they are now below of the headrest. Marcel
  10. Hi, Great you put in the TACAN receiver in the cockpit!!! The switch between VOR/ILS and TACAN works and functions. Only the RMI does not show the bearing to the TACAN like it suppost to do? Also the second digit of the TACAN is very hard to read from pilots position, the tooltip is also blank. Marcel
  11. Hi, I see the files are in the latest and newest format *.psb. A lot of paintprograms can not read this format, is it possible to convery/supply it in the more common *.psp or *.psd format? Thx, Marcel
  12. Update is up: https://flightsim.to/file/80897/inibuilds-t-33-metalic-textures Changed fallback and introduced a separate "full metal" entry This way other liveries like the Greek/German one are not affected.
  13. Hi, Looking into it at the moment to change the fallback so the other liveries will not be affected. Marcel
  14. Hi, Yeah, understand that the original had no autopilot. Yet it seems now to be programmed to act this way, this is not very user friendly. I ask not for a autopilot-gauge in the classic panel, just that the autopilot can function with the classic panel, for example just to keep the altitude while you tune the radios or answer the door 😉 Marcel
  15. Hiya, The hot swapping of the modern and classic panel is very nice. Only when switching from modern to classic the AP disconnects. So far i prefer to fly the classic panel and use the basic AP commando's of MSFS (Z, CTRL+H, CTRL_A etc etc). In the classic panel, the key Z (autopilot ON/OFF) does not work, or it is briefly ON and then turn OFF again. Is there a way to correct this and leave the AP ON, in what every panel you are? Thx, Marcel
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