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Everything posted by Roadie04

  1. Today I flew to LGSA. but there is only RWY 11 and 29 on the arrival page The STAR are also missing. But in my Navigraph charts there are 11L/R and 29L/R and all STAR charts are there. And I there is no airport map (ARPT NAV NOT AVAIL (NAVIGRAPH))
  2. Roadie04

    Inibuilds LOWI

    Addendum: I checked the content container. The ASOBO scenery was, I think automaticly by an update, reinstalled. I deinstalled the ASOBO scenery and everthing is fine
  3. Roadie04

    Inibuilds LOWI

    But no floating objects at the glider area
  4. Roadie04

    Inibuilds LOWI

  5. Roadie04

    Inibuilds LOWI

    I have the same problem here
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